Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


You’re a legend! <3


Yeah, I think there was an article last week that talked to the owners of shop or two selling fireworks and almost all the stores in the NY area had a buy 1 get 2 free offer going on and they were having huge sales numbers

I mean, maybe, but they’re very hard to set off legally in Pennsylvania, so to believe that I’ve got to believe that the police are not hassling people setting off fireworks, like 40-60 per hour six hours a night every night, in a poor, majority-black area, all while the city has gotten upwards of 1,000 complaints about the noise from residents.

This seems like just the opportunity Philly’s “finest” would love to take to go pound some skulls.

You can’t set off fireworks in Philadelphia within 150 feet of an occupied structure, on public property, on private property without the owner’s permission, near trees or electrical wires. So I guess it’s possible they found like one spot that’s legal and that’s why it’s all happening there and the cops can’t do anything… maybe that’s it. Like one empty lot or something where the owner gave permission.

This is my first summer in Philly, and come to think of it I’m usually in Vegas for June and most of July, but people here are saying it’s not usually like this - it’s usually only starting now, a week before the Fourth.

I feel like such an old man for even thinking about this, but I’m tempted to call my city council member and ask them to push to ban fireworks, or at least limit them to like 7pm to 11pm or something.

It’s not usually like this anywhere. Fireworks are going off like crazy this year all over the country. It is some combination of unusually low prices of fireworks, covid lockdown, people being out of work, and it just being a thing this year.

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My coworkers who live in Cambridge and Boston are telling me the same deal is happening there. I saw something recently about a police crackdown on fireworks planned in Cambridge. I feel like I posted this info here already, but maybe not. Anyway, it seems to be happening in multiple cities. Probably due to boredom.

Americans in 2020: “I’m bored, so let me annoy the shit out of my neighbors with this thing that goes boom in the sky.”

Story checks out. That actually makes perfect sense to me. Combining the American pastimes of things that go boom and triggering others.

OK, maybe it’s time to shift from black helicopters mode to “GET OFF MY LAWN!!!” mode.

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Triggering a whole lot of dogs and their owners. And in SoCal, triggering anyone who’d rather their home doesn’t burn down as a goof.

That’s fucked up. Luckily, this isn’t happening within ear shot of Sabo dog. He can’t abide.


Forgot about vets. I’ve read a ton of veterans with PTSD struggle badly with fireworks. Totally support our troops though.

I love fireworks but people should really keep it to one day




Now that’s an effort I can get behind

Eta: I’m obviously supportive of all the protests, but getting posobiec to run away is a nice cherry on top


Yeah I feel for dog owners, a lot of them are venting on Twitter. Thankfully there shouldn’t be as much of a fire risk here since it hasn’t been super dry, but there’s still a reason you’re not supposed to set them off within 150 feet of an occupied structure.

Yeah, I mean, I have no problem with a few here and there on a given night, but 6 hours straight every night is literally maddening. If it’s making me lose my mind (like literally it’s making me feel mentally unwell when it happens), I can’t imagine what it’s doing for people with legit PTSD tied to sounds of gunfire or explosions.

In some weird way it’s bothering me more than the 10-14 days of unexplained explosions and explosion noises. I don’t know if it’s because of the duration, or what.

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I love the guy in the middle singing “hit the road jack” lol


I got some doofus randomly setting off fireworks in my neighborhood too. I guess that’s just a thing now.

I mean you could call the police and possibly never have to worry about them lighting fireworks again.



One of my buddy’s who is all support the troops/they can do no wrong/rah rah America, sets off fireworks endlessly all summer. Whenever he sends me videos of them (which are admittedly cool because blowing shit up is fun) I always mention how people with PTSD, specifically the military are triggered by what he’s doing. The response is always “well it doesn’t bother me so it’s fine”. I’ve posted about this ad nauseam but that really is all Republicans/conservatism is - I got mine so fuck you about yours.


Got to be careful out there. With Barr creating a special task force to round up all protesters and dissenters things are going to get a lot darker.

Yep, Tucker Carlsen recently went hard at Trump for being soft on the protestors.

Just a sidebar to brag a little. Nathan P in this article is my cousin’s son (so, also my cousin, I guess). My cousin voted for Trump, I think (she doesn’t post much so I’m not 100% sure, but she’s said some derp-adjacent stuff in the past). I was afraid for her kids, but I guess they’re doing fine.


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Your cousin once removed.