Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I read the entire wiki, that got really dark.

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Man, these people fucking love their Confederate statues.

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Stay away. Not sure if you’re in the Trump Presidency thread, but if not check out my last post there. This doesn’t directly apply to jail support, per se, but the parallels between Barr’s letter and Trump’s EO today and the Reichstag Fire Decree are fucking insane and terrifying. You should definitely keep that in mind regarding any peaceful protest activities you decide to engage in, given that the state won’t view them as peacefully as others might.

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I would suggest not using those words on the phone, and maybe editing your post. It might be a conversation worth having, though.

And yeah I know what it is - I wanted to do some of it here but I’m too worried about COVID so I wimped out. My thought was that they may be snapping photos to connect people as “known associates.” It’s what I’d do if I was them.

I appreciate all the Richmond updates as it seems to get little to no attention nationally.


I know, I figured that’s what you’d say. But I wanted to make sure. Plus, you don’t need to make it any easier on them lol…

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This is amazing, by the way. One of the biggest national stories in decades is playing out mostly uncovered. We all know why.


It would be newsworthy because of the violence and the compelling video. People either outraged by it or enjoying watching some commies get their skulls smashed. It would be compelling coverage, and more controversial than you may think.

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I just want to say you’re an inspiration man.


A lot of what gets filmed never gets used. 42 minutes of airtime in a broadcast, your protest might get 2 minutes on the local news - :30 of it at least will be soundbytes from interviews, maybe :30 for a reporter on camera. So at most 1 minute of broll.

He could be with a documentary crew as well, I’m sure they’re out there. Could also be an undercover.

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Salt Lake City: Rode my bike past the Capitol this evening. There were about 100 protesters on the sidewalk listening to speeches and calling out “bullshit.” I didn’t see police or media though I’m sure the cops were nearby. I’d thought the energy had gone out of the protests here and I was surprised to see this group. Earlier in the week I’d seen what I assume were people in support of the police walking around the block with US flags and signs. But those guys were in ones and twos.

A thunderstorm just blew through.

Still hearing fireworks all night, every night. It started with the explosion noises at least by 5/31 if not sooner, they went from like 6pm to 5am, then they stopped and it transitioned to fireworks, same time. Then it became fireworks from ~8pm to ~2am, give or take, and it’s continued almost every night. Maybe 1-2 nights didn’t have it, or maybe those were the nights I was visiting my parents. But we’re talking like 24 of 26 nights at least.

This can’t be random, it’s too consistent in time and location. Always the same two places, similar times, and it’s happening in a bunch of cities. I’m tempted to drive that direction and see who’s doing it, but I have a feeling that ends very poorly for me.

It didn’t bother me as much the first week or so when it was actually the scarier noises, or the first week of fireworks, but it wears on you over time…

It’s probably compounded by being so isolated, I’m genuinely concerned for my mental health for the first time since the lockdown started. I’ve been feeling more and more anxiety, making it harder and harder to get poker hours in.

I’m trying to focus on my sleep, the modeling, and the stock market, but it’s tough. I know the absolute best case is 6-7 more months of lockdown, and there’s no end in sight on these fireworks.

From my northwest, I can see those. But some are much closer. Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom. Go out to look, they pause. It’s like they’re fucking with me specifically, even though I know that’s absurd. Walk to the other end of my terrace. Boom, boom. Run back over. They pause. What… the…fuck? I swear one sounded like it was overhead. Or was it just how the noise echoes down a city block? Walk to the other end. Boom! Run back… Pause. Walk to the other end. Boom! Run back. Boom. I can’t see it. Boom. Boom. Oh, there it is. A few blocks away. OK. At least I can. Boom. See where it is. I go back inside. Boom. Boom.

Every. Fucking. Night.

These are my tax dollars at work, I just know it.


More talk from the GOP using the same buzz words.


Its been a record year for fireworks sales with a bunch of people not having much to do. Probably the same time and places everyday because its the same people playing you shoot yours ill shoot mine type thing.

Maybe take a brake from the modeling or do something unrelated to the pandemic and don the con for a bit.






This. There are tons of fireworks going off everywhere in the country. Every night in my neighborhood too.

Damn I must be running super good. There are always a ton of fireworks going off for a month here which drives my dog nuts but there has literally been 0 so far

@anon38180840 gotta echo others here. It’s just fireworks season. It’ll taper off over the next few weeks.