Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Not sure if you are just trolling but you can start with the Alabama Tide propaganda video above.

But also:

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Several times on this podcast you’ve expressed your discomfort with the phrase “social distancing.” I’ve been thinking about this a lot, the way we wag our finger at people who are not socially distancing. I think the philosophy we’ve taken is: You do it. You wear your mask. You stay 6 feet apart. You don’t go to this place.

Obama advanced that idea repeatedly. It wasn’t until now with coronavirus that I got what I disliked about the Obama administration. Society and a country and a nation have created a condition in African American communities, but the logic of respectability politics says that they are not responsible for it, that we are not responsible to each other or for each other. The people living in that community should do individual things. You do it. Pull your pants up. That will solve the problem. You saw this with Trump’s surgeon general saying, “Will you do it for your pop-pop?” It’s like these little individual actions can actually solve huge public health problems. I think that sort of vocabulary damages the idea of the public itself.

Was there something before those quotes about drones? I don’t see anything.

Also propaganda lol

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Also I believe Coates is talking about how policy should be used in these problems similar to what Ibram kendi says, not just well if everyone does it individually but who knows cuz you just plopped some random quote down with no context

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What do you dudes think about protesters wanting the Emancipation Memorial statue to come down? On the one hand the image of Lincoln benevolently standing over a slave in chains is not great but this seems like the rare case of a statue actually being historically relevant. The guy who was the model for the freed slave was actually a freed slave. Fredrick Douglas was there at the dedication ceremony, and the statue was funded by donations from freed slaves. Probably leave it alone, right?

Apparently Mrs. Lincoln was also at the dedication.

I’d rather err on the side of taking down too many statues rather than not enough.


Here we are arguing about statues while the American government wholesale murders foreigners.

FWIW, I just ate a PB&J while the American government wholesale murders foreigners.


Make a thread about wholesale murder of foreigners then dude, stfu about it here.


How many fetuses are murdered every year by evil doctors and how does that compare to the number of Black people executed by police?

White Statues Matter!

I know i can only think about one injustice at a time. I have trouble walking and talking too.


This excerpt of Douglas’ oration at the dedication of that statue seems relevant:

He was pre-eminent the white man’s President, entirely devoted to the welfare of white men. He was ready and willing at any time during the first years of his administration to deny, postpone, and sacrifice the rights of humanity in the colored people to promote the welfare of the white people of this country. In all his education and feeling he was an American of the Americans. He came into the Presidential chair upon one principle alone, namely, opposition to the extension of slavery. His arguments in furtherance of this policy had their motive and mainspring in his patriotic devotion to the interests of his own race. To protect, defend, and perpetuate slavery in the States where it existed Abraham Lincoln was not less ready than any other President to draw the sword of the nation. He was ready to execute all the supposed constitutional guarantees of the United States Constitution in favor of the slave system anywhere inside the slave States. He was willing to pursue, recapture, and send back the fugitive slave to his master, and to suppress a slave rising for liberty, though his guilty master were already in arms against the Government. The race to which we belong were not the special objects of his consideration. Knowing this, I concede to you, my white fellow-citizens, a pre-eminence in this worship at once full and supreme. First, midst, and last, you and yours were the objects of his deepest affection and his most earnest solicitude. You are the children of Abraham Lincoln. We are at best only his step-children; children by adoption, children by force of circumstances and necessity. To you it especially belongs to sound his praises, to preserve and perpetuate his memory, to multiply his statues, to hang his pictures high upon your walls, and commend his example, for to you he was a great and glorious friend and benefactor. Instead of supplanting you at this altar, we would exhort you to build high his monuments; let them be of the most costly material, of the most cunning workmanship; let their forms be symmetrical, beautiful, and perfect; let their bases be upon solid rocks, and their summits lean against the unchanging blue, overhanging sky, and let them endure forever! But while in the abundance of your wealth, and in the fulness of your just and patriotic devotion, you do all this, we entreat you to despise not the humble offering we this day unveil to view; for while Abraham Lincoln saved for you a country, he delivered us from a bondage, according to Jefferson, one hour of which was worse than ages of the oppression your fathers rose in rebellion to oppose.

Defense attorney Robert Richman, who is not involved in the cases, said camera access could help the defense attorneys present another narrative about Floyd’s death, which was recorded by a bystander and seen around the world.

“Given the weight of negative publicity that has already sort of shaped public perception, I think that it is important for the defense to start to make their defense known so that they don’t have quite as much of an uphill battle when they start out on the first day of trial,” Richman said. “It’s something of a high-risk strategy, because typically publicity does not work well for the defense, but in a case like this it’s not clear to me there’s anything to lose.”

Ben Crump, an attorney representing Floyd’s survivors, told the Star Tribune that the Floyd family was informed this week that a trial in the case will be scheduled for March 8, with a hearing on pretrial motions on Sept. 11.

Crump said MacDonald compared the federal probe to the case of Walter Scott, a South Carolina black man killed in 2015 by a white police officer who fired on him as he ran away. A state court jury acquitted the officer, but federal prosecutors later won a conviction and he was sentenced in 2017 to 20 years in prison.

If I were the undercover in that car I would have hunted down all those stupid uniform cops.

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I have a feeling we will soon see a movie or two with this exact plot. Death Wish 2, except instead of hunting viscous criminals, this time Bruce Willis hunts the cops. Vincent D’Onofrio is in trouble.

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Yeah, ummm, they’re a lawless mob. Hate to break it to ya southpaw.


Your count is a bit off, looks like 1488 to me

(also stay safe PC)