Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Good video, didn’t know they changed their name, I remember when they went against the war and all the deplorables got their feelings hurt


they were pretty much the original victims of cancel culture.


Oh wow. They changed their name today.

Eventually we’ll get to the feminist part and their name will just be The.



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Saban’s presence was big, but the dude was speaking his lines with the conviction of a North Korean hostage who has lines prepared for him and knows he’s got to read them or he’s going to get fucked up. Of course even if he does read them, he may still get fucked up, but he’s playing the odds.

Amazing. Music video of the year.

“Watching our youth have to solve our problems,” is a heartbreaking line.

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The video is great, but the actual composition is brilliant, too. I can pick out elements of almost every traditionally Black musical tradition. I’m sure that was deliberate.


If the BLM supporters ever find out about all the innocent people Obama killed with drone strikes they are gonna be pissed.

┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) College Football is exploitation and
┳┻|⊂ノ we should be boycotting it.


Bookmark this post and look at it again in a few years. Hopefully you will feel some regret.

No need to hire him if he can be transferred

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This. I feel I was somewhat prepared for this when MeToo first erupted. I asked some friends what I could do, and their advice was to shut the fuck up and let women’s voices finally dominate the conversation. I had nothing to add that millions of other men hadn’t already said.

It often feels like I need to add my voice to the conversation in support, but as a person of enormous privilege, I have found instead that my silence these days is the biggest support I can offer underrepresented voices. I need to leave that space open for them to speak.

A good friend said that if I really needed to discuss these things, I needed to hash them out with other men. And now similarly, I am listening to and elevating black voices. Most of all, I am learning to shut up and listen.


A lot I’ve met already know that and aren’t big fans of his


Full quote is even more heartbreaking


About what? I am looking forward to 2050 or (whenever) when celebrities, athletes, CEOs, and regular social media users “just can’t be silent anymore” about all the non-Americans we murder. We can’t tell them about it now, cause their fragile brains would explode.

Is your brother cool with it or is gd an Auburn Fan Now? :rofl:

Dixie Chicks changed their name. Winn Dixie Grocery considering a name change? I have not been to Disney forever, fo they still have a Dixie Land Band in Orleans Square?

Obviously all reasonable behavior for a security guard.

He’s actually an LSU fan lol, my parents both attended LSU so we grew up watching them. He definitely rooted for UA at one point but def does not now, hates Saban too I’m pretty sure. I think it’s just to be a contrarian if anything.

Edit: so I’m sure he’s not cool with it

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