Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

this shit still has me ready for martyrdom every. fucking. time i see it :rage:

Yes, but it really didn’t come into its own until very recently.

Homage to Catalonia… Interesting revolution where the nationalists were funded by foreign fascists and Islamisists, and the Free Catalonia revolutionaries were useful tools of Moscow. A most confusing bit of history, still unfolding.

my response to that was

Some of them were tools of Moscow (the communists) some were not (the Anarchists). They were attacked by both the fascists and the communists and certainly not supported by anyone else. That’s why Orwell had to leave. He came out of the war saying “Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism, as I understand it.” My point is partly that he’s quite misunderstood, but also everyone should read Homage to Catalonia, regardless of politics. It’s a fantastic book.

and his response to that was


And that’s it.

The thread is about how our Fire Chief was fired.

so like, i should be able to randomly spray police bc i’m scared too right?

less-than-lethal means misdemeanor no??

edit: shit it expires in july too :eyes:


That’s kind of bullshit. He’s now saying “very recently” (which I assume is post-Floyd). Before he said “when Trump became president”. He should pick a narrative and go with it.

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I told my son today if I ever wind up at a protest in a face off with police I want my sign to say “STOP RESISTING!”. Would having it stapled to a baseball bat be over the line?





That is some of the most tilting stuff. Literally the police were called because someone was in distress. Zero evidence there were any criminals there.

The last thing they should have been thinking was armed assault and takedown. In fact police should make it practice that if they are called for help in situations like that they are not hassle people about minor stuff or do warrant checks and the rest.

Just show up to help and then go on their way. But that is too much to ask obviously. They only have one mode. It is why the police need to be defunded and reallocated to agencies and services that help the community.


The leg theft isn’t in the video and I’d say gotta be Onion if there weren’t hundreds of documented instances of police crapping on people the last few weeks. Eta protesters somehow got the legs back according to people in the thread.


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Yeah but it is just a few bad apples…

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Being a PoC on Nextdoor has got to be an extremely depressing experience.


Slow pony?

About 50 cops are shot and killed per year in the US and police kill about 1000 people a year, about half of them Black.

i like the cut of your jib.

This is oldish news and someone else may have posted it but lolscomo, can’t imagine him doing this if it was a protest held by farmers or some such.

On Twitter #whitelivesmatter is trending but it is listed under the category KPop.

lol he feels sorry for the cops that choked a guy



Not only were they not poisoned, they didn’t even get sick!



“I will teach my grandkids to hate you all.”

Back at you, Klan lady. Back at you.

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KKK belief y’all.

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