Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Always so very predictable.

It’s late, but we put up a Black Lives Matter sign at our house today. Something like that is up on maybe 2% of houses in my neighborhood. Very few Black people live here, but a fair number come here or through to exercise or go to the beach. I was particularly motivated by a post on Nextdoor by a young Black woman who said seeing a sign made her feel safer here.


went on a socially distanced walk with some friends in University Heights in SD…and there were signs ALL OVER. It really gave me hope, especially when my neighborhood is full of trump flags.


Imagine that another cop had to take in the cries of the bystanders, look up to see them filming before he tapped the guy giving the chokehold to let go.

If police can’t apprehend a person with five officers without choking them to death they should all be fired. That is incompetent.

Imagine boycotting a business simply because they don’t think black people should be murdered.

Then imagine being obtuse enough to share that publicly.


You’ve got him all wrong. He’s boycotting because they’re email spamming him not because it was BLM related. I’m sure if they sent out an email stating blue lives matter or all lives matter he would boycott them just the same. /sarcasm


It’s just a coincidence that he believes the radical left has co-opted BLM. Otherwise he would be marching in the streets with them.

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No doubt about it. He’s heartsick about the whole thing. We know this because that is what he typed.


Dude, those things aren’t political. He just doesn’t want his wine hobby all cluttered up and politicized. Supporting the cops is just common sense, stop making it all about politics.

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I guess I get it, If a company whom I liked and did regular business with sent out an email demanding all blacks be lynched I would stop patronizing them as well. I think I also would discuss it publicly in an angry tone. Sure I would mostly be mad about getting spam mail, but the message would be at least 1% of my ire.

I guess I just was not understanding their position and how strongly they hated black lives. AND email spam.

Although could you explain this to me:

How is not wanting blacks to be murdered a political statement in any way?

What I’m saying is that conservatives like to dismiss legitimate complaints about their beliefs as “just politics”.

I think he missed the sarcasm in your post?

Agreed. It is amazing, though, that they get mad at stuff being politicized when they are the only ones discussing any politics at all.

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I’ve resisted, but I just had to post something on Nextdoor. Someone was talking about how all this protest and systemic racism just magically started when Trump became president and incredibly didn’t exist for Obama. The guy also referred to Orwell predicting this shit. I just posted that BLM started in 2013 during the Obama admin and suggested reading Homage to Catalonia.


more on the new NYC chokehold


everyone should resign from the mayor on down


So what was the response?

We have all discussed that before but nothing magic about it. A lot of racists were hiding their racism and Trump’s election allowed them all to take a large breath of racism, because Trump was one of them.

Even the most casual observer has to know Ferguson happened while Obama was in office.

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I like that cops can have a longer criminal record than a grocery store clerk.



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It’s so hard not to engage with these idiots. Yesterday I ended an interaction with "I suggest you turn off Fox news for the days and go read a book. I heard John Bolton has a good one coming out. Alternatively, you can Google “Dunning-Kruger Effect and spend the rest of the day contemplating how it might apply to you.”

These idiots need to be told their idiots, otherwise they start to think their views actually hold merit.