Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

For those not following the Trump thread, he tweeted this a half hour ago:



What’s the deal with Act Blue? Like, I think Bernie’s donation page goes through ActBlue. Does the political side of ActBlue work differently than the charity side?

Also, to add to this, I recently made a donation to BLM on ActBlue. The email receipt says my donation will be forwarded to Thousand Currents “as [I] requested.”

Never heard of Thousand Currents, but on their website it says

Thousand Currents provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services as a 501(c)(3) public charity to BLM. Learn more at blacklivesmatter.com

A bit convoluted if you ask me.

“He fell harder than was pushed.” Basic physics fail. Ask Putin how that works, you pathetic jackass.





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Ohh and no more discounts on you’re fucking donuts






Chicago has been closing down schools and mental health facilities for years just so police can get new training facilities and we can hire more and more every year. We defund a lot of shit to keep them happy and it’s willfully done by both sides of the aisle


This lol-tastcal fixation over this ‘messaging’ crap is just simply farcical. Like six minor league donkeys somewhere in MN used the term “defund” in a banal press release… and we gotta whole lotta gibberish how these minor league donkeys are going to lose POTUSBOWL 2020 for… “us”?

Like (a) who is this us? Do they have a donkey in their pocket? And (b) why aren’t they whining at the minor league donkeys via twitter or whatever… why instead are they whining at their fellow UnStuckers? Do they imagine some of us have some magical powers over minor league donkeys nationwide? And (c ) these minor league donkeys are at least are pros in their field. Sending out banal press releases, and accessing the West-Wing reach-across and around ramifications is their day job. What expertise can our army of fool ‘messagistas’ claim to bring to the table? Are any of them actually professional Mad-Men in their day job? When our army of ‘messagistas’ pontificate that, say “Mayday is a terrible day to call for a general strike” (you can’t make this shit up)… were they able to come up with any research to back up their objective claim about the world? No, they just always make all their shit up.


And do away with the schools to prison pipeline… :smirk:

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I’d have to imagine it would be incredibly easy to lure Bingo Bongo into throwing a punch, right?

We may get that chance when he appears at the house committee hearing… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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This is a good example demonstrating how bad at critical thinking so many people are.

They hear that busses of ANTIFA are coming, and they never question the HOW or the WHY.

It is pretty bad when a realistic critical assessment of abolishing the police can easily begin with trying to determine if there is actual value in keeping them. This was not always the case.

The window has shifted greatly on the perceived value of police. It is the same thing as saying “all ten year olds need parents”. They don’t if their parents are beating, molesting and abusing them every day. They would be infinitely better sans parents. We are there with police.


Nah, all the white protesters who got beat have already been cast as antifa agitators–including the 75-year-old man.

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I am not going to lie. I know it is almost always carefully calculated but every time a company / brand says “Don’t buy our product you racist POS” my heart sings a little bit. I know a huge part of it is manipulative but it is still worth it to me.

At every turn had people need to reminded, what you say is wrong, what you think is wrong, what you do is wrong.


Tea drinking racist: “I am soooo glad Randi Tea is not Supporting those Savage Slave Animals”
Randi Tea Mascot : “FU RACIST POS”


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Holy fuckarola no 25th amendment? Seriously?