Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The non outright racist segment of white people? I know quite a few people that use this reasoning.


It’s a solved problem

Not so sure that isn’t the order of prevalence.



Police don’t actually clock in/out right? They probably just fill out a run sheet I’m guessing based of The Wire. I wonder if everyone just lies.

Seems like it’d be pretty easy to just work a couple hours then go home and chill and bring the cruiser back after dinner or w/e.

Not American, but when I was young it wasnt super uncommon for my parents to bring the cruiser home and we lived outside the city.

This video. Jesus Christ.



Sorry for the reddit videos, but its all I have ok? I’m trying my best!

Edit: Why isn’t there a site yet where you can just put in the URL and convert reddit video to youtube? Probably be huge, everyone hates reddit video. As of right now you have to use a site to download the video then upload it to youtube and aintnobodygottimefodat.



Ah great didn’t realize this was Alabama, fuck!

Also as far as I understand it, anything beyond their normal duties are OT. Testifying in court, any training, working security ar a game etc

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aren’t those guys national guard? Or do the police have uniforms like that as well?

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Individual cops can’t be sued, but cities can, right? What the o/u for the amount documented police brutality during these protests will cost cities?

No idea but I sure as fuck hope it causes them to slash police budgets instead of all other services.

Paging narrator.

Riot patrol is almost all OT. Typically they hold over a shift coming off their 8 hours. That, and the cost of putting the NG on the streets, will dwarf by orders of magnitude any liability payouts. The court/jail costs of processing all those mass arrested proly will too.

John Oliver this week is pure genius best of a lifetime tv. A must watch. The video at the end should be on rotation on every channel for weeks.


Fills a fella with hope to see these global protests only getting bigger :partying_face:

“Reallocate Police Resources in such a way that they do the Greatest Good for the Local Community and not just act as a slush fund to support miswired men and their Murder Fantasies!”

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Thanks. I’m trying to get a rough idea of the eventual cost to cities of unjustified/illegal police actions during these protests to make a point against those who say things like “body cameras cost money,” and “training costs money.”

Also dismissed and penalized officers, in case you think Brevard County is all White and No Bite:

We have a stocked pond! No worrying about your baton hand getting weak!


Even that is an improvement.

Yeah I am not sure the typical right wing red neck would be on board if they knew a huge percentage of officers made six figures AND got to kill minorities too. Would be seen as an embarrassment of riches.

Three-quarters of the 242 Nassau and Suffolk county cops who retired last year are receiving annual pensions of more than $100,000, a report by a think tank has found.

Former Yonkers officers are also raking it in, as two-thirds of the 39 cops in the Westchester city who filed for retirement in 2018 are pulling in six figures in retirement benefits, the Empire Center for Public Policy said.

The suburban cop with the fattest pension who retired last year is Nassau County Officer Jeff Fabre, 52, who walked into the sunset with a $221,086 package, the report said.

According to payroll records, Fabre had total pay of $326,950 in 2017. But he had just a base salary of $122,514, according to records previously posted by Newsday. He more than doubled his income through overtime and other supplemental pay and benefits.

Another Nassau officer, Thomas Papaccio, 59, retired with a $179,440 pension. Papaccio also had a base salary of $122,000 but raked in $85,246 in overtime in 2017, as well as other supplemental benefits that boosted his total salary to $234,903. His 2018 salary was $254,991.

I wonder how many times a day a police officer in the US says “Who they going to call” in response of some charge of malfeasance?