Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Hey y’all my brother is an educated Trump supporter (meaning he has an MBA and he isn’t in the conspiracy derposphere, he supports Trump for economic reasons, mostly, but his wife is an Uyghur and Republicans have stood up to China more so he also likes that) but he just texted me asking if there was a good article that summarized institutional racism and inequalities with evidence. I don’t have a great one at my fingertips so I figured I would crowdsource!

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Grunching, but Ta Nahisi Coates’s essay on the Case for Reparations gives a pretty good accounting of the history of wrongs from Slavery up to modern day. I also liked The New Jim Crow, that deals more specifically with race issues in the criminal justice system.


That is not just typical Friday rush hour in LA?

I’ll never watch another Nascar event as long as I live!


Yeah knowing him something succinct, like a persuasive article that whets his appetite, would be more effective. Also nothing about history, he would be persuaded by something describing the situation as it exists today

I suspect the most dangerous places, people don’t know how to spell ANTIFA.

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If he wants to dig deeper, Stamped from the Beginning is a pretty comprehensive history of racist policies in America. The whole thing is like 500 pages, but you can get a good feel for it from the prologue and epilogue.


Not to be rude… but why were they hiring them in the first place?

If hired why did they not have to go through an extraordinary training and observation process.

“This guy looks good except for his 12 assault complaints”

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The New Jim Crow. It’s a book though.

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One of the things about the current events that are unfolding is that they are about more than this one incident. I don’t know if it’s possible to accurately describe what’s going on right now without talking about some history. I don’t know about particular articles, but I really liked the conversation that Ezra Klein has with Ta Nahisi Coates last week on Ezra’s podcast. You may want to listen to it first, though, and see if it wouldn’t be off-putting to him since it seems like he’s sensitive to how these discussions are framed.


I’m not sure how you can look at the situation that exists today without understanding the institutional factors that preceded it. Like, redlining may be officially prohibited today, but I think it’s necessary to understand how that practice contributed to current wealth inequality. Same thing with Social Security - as originally created, two-thirds of African American workers were excluded from the program (compared to about a quarter of white Americans). I think that’s the power of Coates’s article/books.

As Coates says, you can’t just run up decades/centuries of debt on the backs of black Americans and then pretend that debt doesn’t exist–building with interest–just because you’ve stopped creating new debt.


Dear Uncle,

Why do you think white people are superior to black people?

Please excuse my wordiness.

i didn’t go that far yet. earlier on he mentioned that he had been paying attention to “actual statistics” so i responded with the below. me in bold

Please share with the community here what stats you have been perusing and the conclusion they have led you to, I’m definitely curious

Not interested in woke games, but thanks. You could always try self study though.

That sounds like boomer talk for “uncle doesn’t want to say things in public that might lead people to think he’s racist”


What does he think should happen to the Minneapolis Police Officers?

What is the value of private property, in a $ amount that equals one black life?

Seriously though I would probably just stop engaging with him. Your family is highly unfortunate.


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Here’s a very short summary of the general argument:

“Young Black males were twenty-one times more likely to be killed by police than their White counterparts between 2010 and 2012, according to federal statistics. … If Black people make up 13.2 percent of the US population, then Black people should make up somewhere close to 13 percent of the Americans killed by the police, somewhere close to 13 percent of the Americans sitting in prisons, somewhere close to owning 13 percent of US wealth. But today, the United States remains nowhere close to racial parity. African Americans own 2.7 percent of the nation’s wealth, and make up 40 percent of the incarcerated population.” This is from the first two pages of Stamped from the Beginning.

So does your friend think this vast disparity is driven by Blacks being inferior to Whites or by policies and institutions that discriminate against Blacks in favor of Whites? This includes the effects of current policies as well as the cumulative effects of these types of policies through the centuries.


Comes across as bad use of English to me, so it already seems they are punishing themselves for using it.

I think the simple answer is that Republicans want to assert that the party is not democratic. Its been considered a slur for a long time.

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