Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)




lol SAN FRANCISCO may stop hiring cops with records of misconduct.

It’s over, we won, mission accomplished boys.

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man you gotta love the people on social media that have been completely silent since george floyds murder and then sharing shit about how police men and their families have had it so hard these last days…smh


Some good stuff from the Bruins captains:



Congressional Dems release police reform bill, live on CNN atm.


from my dumb uncle, stemmed out of a conversation with my aunt where I bashed Drew Brees a bit. just amazing stuff below. I gave him some shit because he hasn’t posted a thing about BLM or anything where he’s usually posting all kinds of stuff daily so i was asking for his position on it.

Yep, and I’m still curious as to what your “position” is, exactly. All I’ve seen of your “position” is that Brees may be a somewhat or total piece of shit, you’re not sure. Have you literally done one thousandth, maybe even one millionth of what Brees has done to help his community? I’m thinking not. I don’t personally know the man, but he appears to be a pretty stand up guy. How are you helping POC? Are you donating money to a cause, are you volunteering to help disadvantaged children learn to read, do your children go to minority schools, are you teaching imprisoned POC to help reduce recidivism? Are you working to slow the abortion of literally tens of thousands of black babies a year? Or are those the same black babies you called “a clump of cells” the other day? Are you happy with those stats? Do you support the looting and burning of black owned businesses because??? Did that advance your “position”? Were you happy that a black 77 year old retired police chief was murdered, live streaming on FB no less, trying to protect his friend’s business? Is he collateral damage for the cause, you know, your “position”? What about the other 15-20 people, including other police, killed during the riots? Did that advance your “position”? What, exactly, is your position? Is your position that you support Kaepernick, and Brees didn’t support him “soon enough”, so he’s a POS? Do you want a pair of Kaep’s pig socks for Christmas? Explain your “position” to us. C’mon, let’s hear it. You’ll likely deflect as normal, but give it a try. Answer the above. C’mon.

PS Did we reach 3,000 Covid deaths a day by June 1st? Are you disappointed in the answer? Are you sad that you’ve been wrong for so long? Are you disappointed that many people aren’t going broke, and didn’t lose their businesses they worked their whole life for because they were allowed to have their rights back? Are you sad that many less people, of any color, won’t lose their life because they won’t be broke and homeless now. Are you scared that reopening will make the economy start to recover, because TDS? Do you understand that a disproportionate number of minorities were the most affected by the dictatorial actions of Democrat governors? Does it concern you that the protestors may cause a surge in cases, and hence, deaths? Do you know how many minority Covid deaths there are a day? Does it make you happy or sad that minority abortions are many times that number every day? Put up or shut up!

PPS Please excuse my brevity.

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to be clear, i think because he doesnt want to, he did say before this that “he’s against police brutality” a really strong stance. and referred to identity politics, so i pushed him on it, the above is a result of that.

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That’s a lot of questions.

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Yes please.


lmao i told him yes please as well. and yea its a lot of questions, i told him that Heritagenothate usually spaces his 20 questions out but thats the first time i’ve seen someone do it all at once, quite amazing.

Remember, whenever you see someone say “Democrat governors” rather than “Democratic governors” you are dealing with a special type of stupid.

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How is that stupid? It seems like effective propaganda to me. Example: you, responding to it.

That’s just what the Republic Party would want you to think


From the article:

Pollster Frank Luntz tested the phrase with a focus group in 2001, and concluded that the only people who really disliked the epithet were highly partisan Democrats.

I’m trying to imagine who on earth would give a shit and it’s got to be exclusively extreme grammar pedants and idk, political science majors or whoever.


Well ok, maybe ‘stupid’ isn’t the right word, but my point is that if you ever think you might be having some kind of good faith policy discussion, and someone is throwing around “Democrat mayors” or whatever, you instantly know what you are dealing with.

You have to be deeply committed to the game of advancing right-wing politics to be both familiar with the term and disciplined enough to consistently use it, despite it’s grammatical incorrectness.

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Simpler than that. It’s those highly partisan donkeys themselves. Living down to their stereotype: a buncha whiners.

The rest of us: Two less letters mean I can gloss over this elephant shit quicker, that’s a +=2.

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People who say Democrat party are (1) making a mistake from ignorance, (2) trying to troll Dems, (3) using a kind of Shibboleth to show those in the know that they really don’t like Dems, (4) combination of 2 and 3. In any case, no point in correcting their wording or otherwise engaging.


‘Democratic’ is a nice sounding word with a positive connotation, so you should never use it to describe something as terrible as the ‘Democrat’ party.

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Democratic senators actually come up with a set of constructive and substantive reforms.

Lol jk
