Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Convincing and educating aren’t quite the same thing. How to do either effectively differs greatly depending on the venue and circumstances. It sounds like you are doing one-on-one via texting at the moment. Things to consider: do you expect an ongoing chat -vs- a one or two off exchange; do you feel you would be more effective moving an ongoing chat to a longer form (email) or different venue (over the phone, multi-way chat, etc).

Social scientist types have studied how to convince peeps one-on-one, and IIRC have found trying to logic & source peeps directly works quite poorly. Instead, finding a shared value, and building off of that base to convince your target, seems to work the best. Example: If you know your target is a Christian, and you are trying to convince them to be anti-death penalty, consider trying to work based from “Thou shall not kill”.

Since you have shared that your target has an MBA, and supports the evil toxic waste container for economic reasons… you may want to consider trying to work based off of these: the inter-generational effects of red-lining y/o how payday loans effect communities of color.


Last night’s episode

Damn, this girl at the end of the episode is hot fire. Speak.

“They’re lucky black people are looking for equality, not revenge.”

I have pretty much avoided the “karen” label. It is becoming a fairly loaded label.

I’m going to add one, even though I’m not finished listening, the Weeds episode on defunding the police seems like it may be a good one for hint check out.

Answer: They think it’s because Blacks are inferior to Whites, and they are furious that they are not allowed to say it out loud without suffering consequences.

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I’m guess that listening to thoughtful liberals trying to address difficult problems is not really the sweet spot for the intended audience. However, it may be of use if the intended audience is open minded or has aspirations toward thoughtfulness.

Trying to appeal to shared values with a conservative Christian works better if they believe Christianity itself is one of those shared values.

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I think there’s some truth to this, and that much misplaced effort in many “debates” goes toward addressing superficial issues when it’s the “deep story” that informs the underlying worldview that should be engaged with.

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John Oliver vids never play for me - geo-restricted - so can’t see but the quote is one I recognise and therefore suspect(?) it’s Kimberly Latrice Jones - the full version of her hot fire has been posted before but here it is again if you, or anyone else, hasn’t seen the full version.


Like, I’m not going to agree with Bill Barr about anything, but it’d be nice to just get him to admit that he thinks a christian theocracy (of a rather specific kind) would be a good model for the US and that this belief is actually what informs much of his perspective. Then one can engage with him on whether that’s a good idea grounded in the relevant evidence. Works much better than debating some arcane point of law where he’s more or less capable of sounding informed.

The same goes for basic white supremacist assumptions. Like, if you don’t think blacks are inherently inferior, then you have quite a bit of explaining to do to address the inferior circumstances of blacks in the US. This isn’t difficult for people with like a college level understanding of history and society, but that’s a likely not a majority of the populace. If you simply take for granted racial superiority, then it’s actually much simpler to explain the inferior condition of blacks, which merely has the defect that it doesn’t cohere well with available evidence, broadly construed.

Like, the overriding concern with “PC police” is that people feel they can’t argue self-evident truths, such as blacks are dumb, women are emotional, and being gay is a violation of God’s plan for humanity.

Of course, it’s not proveable beyond all dispute that “blacks” are not “inherently inferior” (this is a philosophical point about the nature of “science”), which goes to another important point. In cases of doubt on any scientific or public policy issue, best to resolve uncertainty in a manner consistent with basic values of decency and charity and not to promulgate ideas that are actively harmful to actual people. Same with global warming. Experts may be right, they may be wrong (unlikely), but if you’re gonna adopt a position it’s best to adopt one where limited damage results if you’re wrong.


Agreed. Pretty hard to not mention how blacks first came to America and how they were treated sub human from the very beginning. While things have changed slightly, the entire framework of the country was built on blacks not being human. This has impacted every action and circumstance in this country for hundreds of years.

While he concede that blacks were not treated as humans until at least after the Civil Rights movement? That could save time.

The fact blacks are not treated the same when applying for a job, applying for a loan, being stopped by the police, walking down the street, trying to be an NFL quarterback, being an NFL head coach or assistant coach or general manager, giving a speech, sitting on a bus/plane/train, walking into a bank, buying a house, walking into a store, standing on a street corner, asking a white person to dance, asking a white person on a date, asking for a raise, defending their dissertation, asking for time off, renting an apartment, going to the emergency room, smiling, frowning, laughing, yelling, moving into a white neighborhood, having a flat tire on the side of the road, in jail, in prison, getting upset, before a parole board, walking into a car dealership, going to a restaurant, being a server at a restaurant, doing home repairs, installing internet/satellite/phone service, applying to college, and breathing should be a pretty good sign that systemic racism is a problem.

Name a scenario that a person encounters and there is a good chance a black person will be judged differently when trying to do it.

It is concerning that someone with a Masters degree would need something so fundamentally obvious explained to him.


Some truth? What other explanation is there for defending the status quo?

Is there some hypothetical person out there that:

  • Acknowledges the damage of 200+ years of slavery
  • Acknowledges the damage of Jim Crow
  • Acknowledges the damage of the New Jim Crow
  • Acknowledges that there is no relative superiority between the groups

And then concludes, “well I guess things are kinda fair now so if we just wait another 400 years for things to settle in then we should be good”.

That’s it. I hadn’t seen the full video. Much appreciated.

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yea same video, thanks for reposting, i put this in a tab to watch later and then promptly lost it yesterday but he did show a small portion of it. about to watch now.

A must watch and she is 100% right. Has me in tears over here.

yea just watched, great video, the monopoly example really slams home the whole thing.Imagine people who are like, well the black race isn’t equal in wealth 55 years after civil rights, must be something wrong with their work ethic etc, gimme a fucking break. and the whole well they weren’t slaves so it didnt affect them, fuck you, they don’t have parents to fall back on when they fuck up or lose their job like i do, and its because their parents didnt, and their parents didnt and their parents didnt and their parents were slaves


Someone needs to explain this to me like I’m 5 years old.

I get that Karen is derogatory. That’s the point. Obviously Karens won’t like it.

If racists are upset that you are calling them racist, do you stop doing that too?

My confusion may stem from the fact that my understanding of what a Karen is may be incomplete, hence the need for an explanation.

They threw it in the water. Google Maps updated the statue’s location.


I would go to a protest at the end, and collect all the signs, then put them on stakes. I’d go to his house in the middle of the night and make sure there were so many signs you couldn’t see the grass.

Just an idea.

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haha, he’s actually a “florida man” so can’t do that