Convincing and educating aren’t quite the same thing. How to do either effectively differs greatly depending on the venue and circumstances. It sounds like you are doing one-on-one via texting at the moment. Things to consider: do you expect an ongoing chat -vs- a one or two off exchange; do you feel you would be more effective moving an ongoing chat to a longer form (email) or different venue (over the phone, multi-way chat, etc).
Social scientist types have studied how to convince peeps one-on-one, and IIRC have found trying to logic & source peeps directly works quite poorly. Instead, finding a shared value, and building off of that base to convince your target, seems to work the best. Example: If you know your target is a Christian, and you are trying to convince them to be anti-death penalty, consider trying to work based from “Thou shall not kill”.
Since you have shared that your target has an MBA, and supports the evil toxic waste container for economic reasons… you may want to consider trying to work based off of these: the inter-generational effects of red-lining y/o how payday loans effect communities of color.