Abolish vs Incrementally Improve Discourse?
MM over Trump is beyond a no-brainer. Dude is more or less polite and at least sort of pretends to listen to your argument. Just that in itself blows Trump out of the water.
That image may piss me off more than anything I’ve seen from these protests. I would snap shove that dude out of her face and I hate confrontation more than pretty much anyone on earth.
Good on her for staring right back at him. Courage vs. bullying cowardice.
Instagram influencer culture is the absolute nut low.
This shot is basically a microcosm of the entire movement and the history of being black in the US. It should become an absolute icon. Masked girl for president imo.
Lol fuck crossfit.
that shirts pretty good though no lie
I like this letter in response. Being on the right side of history isn’t easy y’all:
(i’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the current riots and probably an older video, but it’s entertaining)
You gotta love France. They play by their own rules.
Rogue, the company I linked the barbell I bought earlier, and Reebok have cut ties with Cross Fit already.
I prefer the deplorable who shoots himself in the foot with his big mouth and sabotages his own cause to the deplorable who can be disciplined and focused on pursuing his agenda.
Repeal and replace.
Sorry if it’s been talked about here today, but isn’t the image of Mitt Romney marching with BLM surprising? Has any other republican supported the protests?
Bingo. So funny when leftist tools who purportedly support BLM apparently haven’t even seen Fahrenheit Fucking 911