Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Mob Justice:


Nasty, Poor, Brutish, Long, and Crowded

Let’s hope not. I don’t think lethal force is authorized whether Trump thinks it is or not.

fuuuuck :-/




Insomuch as lethal force needs to be authorized it is whenever the police or national guard feel threatened. Or can remember to say they felt threatened after the fact.

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How so?

Yeah. Depends on the definition of feeling threatened, same as in any other case of police shootings, though history has shown a pretty liberal interpretation of that. But to state it ahead of time is different, and not for reasons of self-defense. I’ve never heard “lethal force” as a recommended response for crowd control This has Kent State type implications if they start shooting. There are a lot of people who are just hanging out. It only takes a few to start fires.

Of course it was.

Your hero, everyone:


Gjge to the lawbros handling the press conference earlier today. Ain’t nobody wants to hear your West Wing platitudes about justice. Just stfu until you charge the guy. Tone deaf.

you are our hero



I have a dream that one day…


Indeed. The DA shouldn’t need much time to figure out the “other evidence” is fucking exculpatory. These bitchass prosecutors want every case on a silver platter.

It’s more obviously murder than Arbery!

didn’t you assassinate MLK?

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I’m not former FBI.