Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Embrace division. Pro-mask people should glom onto this and expand the protest. That’s how these things grow. People with other grievances use it as an outlet and it becomes a general protest against the status quo.


Abolish the police and abolish these trolls from 2p2 who are hiding behind new screen names. Especially the one who everyone but @JohnnyTruant and @anon38180840 has on ignore.


thats a murder eh? doubt

Au contraire, I got up off your fainting couch awhile ago.


Really makes you think how effective BLM has been when they’ve literally built up to this moment and have done literally nothing to change anything that ya’ll are still suffering from.

MLK’s tactics had him passing goddam laws by this point.

Nope, I have him on ignore as of seconds ago.

When the looting starts the shooting starts??? Jfc.



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Lol. Just go crawl back into your cage. Take another L.

This will end well. Good work, everyone.

(I know you’re still reading this)

Uh, you should check the colors of the crowd you’re with, bro, cuz you’re wearing the wrong one.

lol he’s not even a good troll




Police and probably National Guard are going to be shooting a bunch of people.


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Clearer goals than W in Iraq

This is what populism looks like.

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