Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

At least one death. There will be more. Hospitals getting loaded up now, too, not to mention the fallout from mass gatherings during a goddam pandemic. Fucking assholes.

Some people take dignity from work. You probably would think that’s silly.

Bad read, knuckledragger.

cite or ban

Some people take dignity from not being killed while handcuffed. Fuck off.


Trump is on it and he’s ready to shoot some thugs.


Lol yeah I’m sure the man killed by stray gun fire at a protest died as he wished.

Funny coincidence you showing up to shill for the cops tonight, you jackass.

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Why do we let this piece of shit troll post here?

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Ban yourself

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Not sure if my pony fired into the crowd.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I’ve literally called the cops “vile” multiple times? You literally can’t read, troll.

Think of how many jobs they saved by shooting those people

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And if they fight the good fight in terms of the election and justice doesn’t come, after years of seeing this stuff happen, then what will need to be done?

Move from killing cops to…firefighters idk?

CNN reporter said she smelled gas.

I told you the Louisville cops aren’t good at this.

Fuck you nobody is advocating killing cops you piece of shit troll. Fuck off.

Jesus Christ.