Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


Louisville cops aren’t good at this, they are positioned downwind of the mob


Guess there’s something wrong with me then… I mean hey when the community’s champion for non-violent protest and non-violent rhetoric is cheerleading riots, and the burning of police precincts, maybe that should tell you something.

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Those are Mitch McConnell voters.



I hope and pray that more folks aren’t senselessly murdered during these riots.

If a building blows up and people die, even if they’re cops, then what’s the point? What did George Lloyd die for?

It’s easy to say that from wherever you are. I’ve already heard from several people (just random folks not part of the protest either way) who have been hospitalized today from these violent cowards who are scarcely better than those murderous vile cops.

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Ugh, hope that’s not true, hopefully the protesters clear out of that immediate area.

Yeah, just the protestors’ lives matter? Not the people in the building. They’re all evil, right? And deserve to die?

Fuck you man the cops left the building hours ago.

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I guess nobody cares about the employees of all the shops and stores that burned. Well, they just lost their jobs, but “the system” is more just now or something meow chow.

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It’s all just straight up self-aggrandizement.

Fuck these assholes.

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Guess stupid fuck cares more about some jobs than the life of a black man.


That you’re wrong about this kind of thing a lot and are over compensating for some reason now?

More black men will die today and in the coming days from these righteous protestors than the vile cop. Poor folks’ lives will be harmed more BECAUSE of this.

It’s wrong and it’s making things worse.

I guess, like JT said, I “understand” it; the same way I understand why selfish people elected Trump and won’t wear masks. It’s because they don’t give a fuck about other people; when it seems like they might it’s a façade.

They’ll get UI plus the CARES act through July. They’re going to get a raise.

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how many people have been murdered during these uprisings

Woof woof woof