Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The US Attorney says they are already investigating whether Floyd’s civil rights were violated. She emphasized she didn’t want to file charges without her ducks in a row, but still…

Spellcheck needed.


i said liberal? suck my dick. his pasty white ass got no skin in the game except to pat himself on the back somehow.

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Everybody knows what you meant fuck off

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you too.

this ain’t that, this is mf’ers mad.

yall are acting like is some grand planned event with talking points and balloons :rage:

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Crazy night

It’s a beautiful thing

History being made right before our eyes


i said what i meant. i’m more liberal than him.

anyway it’s midnight, i’m not trying to argue. we’re pretty much same team. i just got annoyed at people framing this how it benefits them when it’s just starting.


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i doubt it sadly :(

Again I’m no lawbro/etc. I’m pretty sure that the federal civil rights prosecutions are always a pile-on, or happen much later after the state has whiffed or punted.

Oh yeah, I agree that’s usually the case. She also repeated she was in touch with Barr though and their news conference was delayed by two hours because she thought she was going to have some news, but then she didn’t have any news. So it was weird.

A few wild protests going on around the country at the moment

Skirmish lines and tear gas in, checks notes, Louisville.

I’m a little too young to remember the '92 riots. This is wild.

This happened in Louisville 2 weeks ago…



vox dot com “top stories” as of 11:22 central time

the fuck?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

I don’t care. We don’t need no water let the motherfucker burn.

