Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Both the State and Federal Prosecutors had to know this was going to happen without an arrest. And the US Attorney kept referencing Barr and Trump. Am I being too cynical to assume they were told not to make any arrests today?

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That’s a great point, actually. This takes the news cycle off COVID-19. But it’s going to backfire if that’s the case, imo.

Legit hope you’re onto something there but California isn’t a swing state

News chopper is bailing due to lasers.

Yeah. I just can’t see how more chaos on top of COVID and 40 million unemployed is going to convince many that we’re about to transition to greatness.

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Ross Perot got 19% of the vote in 1992.

I’m aware of that, I did not say the riots will necessarily help, I said I don’t think they will hurt, which was the content of the post I was replying to.

It’s about to be infrastructure week in Minneapolis.

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unless the cops put black people back in their place

I don’t even really care right now. A group of mixed racial makeup came together and demanded swift justice, relatively peacefully. When it didn’t come, after years of seeing this stuff happen, they did what needed to be done tonight. Move forward and fight the good fight accordingly in terms of the election.


I don’t either, that’s why I said it’s a cynical way to look at it.
Fuck the elections right now.

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Like we’re watching American citizens DEMAND positive change. This is history in the making, change in the making, this is people grabbing the arc of justice and bending that motherfucker.



Should just start burning one major city down per day and see where the tap out point is for these stupid motherfuckers.


All they had to do was arrest and charge the guy. JFC.


I don’t see rioting as a positive. But in this case, the police brutality was so graphic, and the response by authorities so absent, that even the most hardened deplorables showed some sympathy. But really its just showing even more division, as if we don’t have enough to handle with mask/no mask etc. And there was absolutely no sound reason not to arrest that cop on some kind of charge today. Its pretty clear Trump is not going to be a unifier in this situation.


I don’t know what you know. You might have been a little kid then and you’re not American.

The riots had almost no impact on the 1992 election. The Gulf War had some.

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sometimes you should just stfu. from your ivory tower, just stfu sometimes.

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Not a lawbro/etc disclaimer. This is a state matter, and if the ex-cops get arrested, it’ll be by the state police. The feds could get involved afterwards. The ex-cops are all surely getting security, so they aren’t a flight risk, and aren’t a danger to commit more crimes.

The local powers-that-be aren’t going to want to let rioters ever force their hand, or their timing, on what they do, or do not, happen to actually do… and they are certainly willing to let a few buildings burn to make that point.

The National Guard will proly occupy the streets at around dawn. I’d WAG well into next week. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the ex-cops get charged/etc with something, surrender, get arraigned, and then released during that occupation.

:joy: riverman is many things but ivory tower liberal? Cum on guy