Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

From my BIL’s YouTube subscriptions :face_with_monocle:

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Abolish the police

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Watched a couple of minutes then clicked around a bit. These people watch too much tv.

Right. Sigh. He has been trying to start a real estate business with helpful tips from Trump books LOL.

Just preparing myself for my BIL to do his thing and jump on his soap box to regurgitate whatever he remembers the guy in this video saying.

I have held my tongue for the most part but feel too much has escalated for me not to say listen, either we are going to have a real conversation about this or I’m kindly asking you to stop preaching at me. I find your views on this offensive and am powerless over how strongly I feel about this.

Work to do in Canada, indeed. You have to be super duper racist to be a proud supporter of the Confederacy from another country.

@JohnnyTruant I introduce you to Novara Media, check out some contents.


To y’all who missed the streams last night, sorry I was taking a break from the protests to catch up on stuff, I’ll post them itt later as Today/Saturday should have good turnouts.

WOKE always has streams on later on and you can search youtube for the streams that they show… Usually they switch over around 2pm Washington time.

And then some folks put them on youtube like this…

Streams I recommend…

The only unbiased news stream…



Would this be a post worth turning into a wiki? See wrench bar options.

Never used that before but might be something for us to relentlessly PM ggoreo about.


Federal judge orders Denver cops to stop using rubber bullets and tear gas against protesters.


Something moved but I don’t know what, gosh I’m dumb. :pensive:

@anon46587892 Please help :+1:

That cop had counterfeit cash? Pretty sure the penalty for that is death.


good follow if you want info on nyc protests

Hit the … and the wrench will appear

:point_up_2: Possession is not intent??? Is that right /s

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Why is Uncle Kracker so mad? Did was his oxy dealer unable to reup due to the pandemic.


I did, pressed the wrench and then that screenshot appeared :roll_eyes::wrench:

Massage parlours closed won the pool

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Ohhh…lol okay @anon46587892 you’ve been summoned

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That attacking and dethroning God has to find its way into some thread title at some time.