Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Cool, now move back to the states and help us right the course of our society. :)



Could mean fire everyone, rehire some of them as part of a new entity. Break the union. Establish genuine civilian review, civilian control of discipline, allow mayor to fire by preventing arbitration in union contract. Pains my soul to be antiunion. Slash budgets, stop buying SWAT jackoff aids and circle jerk tanks.

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I never lived there. My brother does though.

There is plenty of work to do here in Canada. Later today, a couple of us are getting together with a few people I met at the rally last week to see what we can do. Luckily one of our friends is connected relatively high in the provincial government so we may have access to get the ear of people who can actually do something.

This is a tiny nothing burger in the big picture of things, but one of the lily white wine forums I read raised $60,000 in two days for NAACP.




C’mon :joy:



I do think the images of police assaulting white people will dent the comfort zones of a lot of affluent white people. Not all of them, obviously, but some.

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Of course following the BLM protest being canceled, the police announce that they won’t break up peaceful protests of any size as the state of emergency is no longer ongoing.

They just didn’t want the George Floyd protest to happen. Bunch of racist pricks here too. Difference is that they don’t go around killing people just because.

Found a compilation of some of the violence to This is America

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I worry about what that guy does to his family when he gets home.



I’m ignorant of any “Weather Underground” but figured they must be using that term for a reason

An interesting read - this caught my eye…

Haymarket Police Memorial bombing

The Haymarket Square police memorial, seen in 1889

Shortly before the Days of Rage demonstrations on October 6, 1969,[70] the Weatherman planted a bomb which blew up a statue in Chicago commemorating the deaths of police officers during the 1886 Haymarket Riot.[20] The blast broke nearly 100 windows and scattered pieces of the statue onto the Kennedy Expressway below.[71] The city rebuilt the statue and unveiled it on May 4, 1970, but the Weathermen blew it up as well on October 6, 1970.[71][72] The city rebuilt the statue once again, and Mayor Richard J. Daley posted a 24-hour police guard to protect it,[71] but the Weathermen destroyed the third one, as well. The city rebuilt the monument once more, but this time they located it at Chicago Police Headquarters, essentially offering a compromise with the terrorist group.[73]

3 times.

Anyway back to attacking and de-throning God


How powerful do they think the Weather Underground is, or how weak do they think God is? That’s always baffled me, they’re always saying that so-and-so is defying God. How?

No further counter argument is needed with anyone beyond repeating the headline.


Not sure how large they were, but they were a well known lefty organization in the late sixties and early seventies that wasn’t afraid to destroy some shit. I think Bill Clinton caught some flak for pardoning some of them.

I’m more worried about the messaging of ‘Attack and Dethrone’. I mean, what’s going to constitute the ground of all being? It would be better messaging to say ‘Defund and Replace God’ imo.



Replies are great


Replying to the earlier post of the french guy and his mini trumpet
