Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

If someone with a non-white friend or spouse can’t be racist, then someone who is non-white can’t be racist. Therefore, there is no such thing as reverse racism. That’s how their logic works, right?


it’s because they see racism as deliberate action only. They don’t understand or don’t want to face the implicit bias part of racism that we include in the term “racism”.

more specifically, to them racism is burning crosses, using the n word, KKK robes, etc. Whereas to us, racism includes those things plus implicit bias and systemic issues.


Yes that’s right. Basically those people don’t think about things in any depth and are generally not so bright, so are hard to persuade otherwise.

It’s like how there are some people who are genuinely confused about how Islamophobia is a form of racism, even though “Muslims aren’t a race” (which the more obnoxious ones think is some kind of clever gotcha).

Welcome… I honestly though you were someone else, so for that I appoligies. :blush:

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Even then they still think they’re not racist. I had a horribly racist uncle who casually used the n-word all the time and made it very explicit he thought blacks were inferior to whites. But him and his wife swore up and down that he didn’t have a racist bone in his body.

They have a completely warped perception of what racism means. Many people believe racism means treating a race worse than they deserve. That’s why they bring up crime statistics and black on black crime to argue why they’re not racist, all while being oblivious to the fact that what they’re saying is incredibly racist. They’re arguing why blacks deserve to be treated that way and thus it’s not racist. It’s also why they can immediately identify the slightest perceived racism against whites.


People in positions of power training new people are the nut low. I was at a mediation where the mediator was a big shot partner at some big law, law firm in NYC who was a former federal prosecutor. I made our argument for our side and the mediator just made some very unsavory/borderline unethical retort to me. Before I could respond an older attorney that was counsel for an opposing party spoke up basically telling the mediator to go fuck himself and walked out. The look on the trainee’s face and the mediator’s lap dog associate’s face was priceless.

Obviously talking back to a cop while being thrown on the hood of your car is just grounds for further abuse but when you can embarrass people like that in front of others it does feel good.

Great PR move there. gjge

One of my uncles is woke to the fact Trump is killing everything and votes D. He still jokes about Muslims supposedly not touching pork at the Walmart when he buys it and makes foreign language sounds mimicking the foreign people next to us at my grandma’s retirement home during holiday meals.


lots of interesting data in this thread



It’s like your uncle figured out that he could still enjoy his side of racism with dinner without having to have crosses burning in the parking lot


We’ve got the public on our side, we’ve got the facts on our side, and we’re banging our fist on the table demanding that the law be on our side too!


meh. the option of having stupid racist humor while advocating change is far better than trying to keep the status-quo while pretending to not say the n word.


As @6ix would say “Not say the n-word even harder” or something to that effect.

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Decided 4 people clicking through her link wasn’t enough.




Chris Hayes just carpet bombing these shithead Buffalo cops

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The red countries are countries that have a smaller military budget than our top 10 PDs combined

From the following twitter thread



So the police stopped gassing, beating and advancing on protesters and that de-escalated it? It’s almost like it was the police that controled how bad it got.


Possibly related
