Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

i’d love to be able to say whatever i wanted in front of a line of military/cops like that little white girl did just now.

i’m 99(.9)% to get one of them to crack. just dunno if it’d be a smile and a laugh or a knee in the neck…

These ME fuckers should be charged with being accessories after the fact.

The protestors got their only demand (all four pigs arrested) met. Maybe they should have asked for something better?

what is ME?

medical examiner

where can i get this shirt?

2020 Is the year all the masks are coming off


Isn’t Huntsville’s economy built on a ton of relocated federal agencies? FBI, MDA. Wouldn’t have expected things to pop off around there but I don’t really know it well. Hope your friends are safe.

I dont live there but lots of young white professionals i think.

Thanks for asking and I appreciate her response!

I need some help with how to talk to my mom. She is a lifelong Democrat, hates trump with the fire of a thousand suns, wants to be an ally, but then says stuff like “not all cops are bad. You cant just get rid of police forces. I refuse to believe every cop is bad Etc etc”

She gets her news 100% from the nightly news and morning newspaper. I told her today she needs to start scrolling Twitter for 15 mins a day to see the perspective that isn’t forced through the news stations.

What are some techniques to get her fully on team burn it down? I tend to get infuriated quickly when she aides with the police as we discuss things.


I would pay to see these 2 young girls in the Washington DC stream talking to the troops take on D/S on a podcast. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My mom is a lifelong Democrat, hates trump with the fire of a thousand suns, but is very reflexively pro-police pro-military (like a LOT of Dems). Today she reported to ME how shocking and bad it was that LA had ONLY 9000 cops. (that’s not quite true, but w/e)

I’m going to put the multi-stream on after her nightly news. Hopefully seeing the police riots that aren’t shown on MSM will wake her up.


i meant i’ve been meaning to reply to that

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The whole antifa terrorist angle looks pretty stupid (not that it ever wasn’t) right about now. Some of the most non-violent protests you will ever see of this scale the last few days if you don’t count the cops. Lol at all those white bunker bitches scared to death of POC. And king bunker bitch Trump most of all designating these protesters as terrorists essentially.


Your mom is a smart woman.


She is. That’s why it so frustrating that she doesn’t understand the good cops become bad cops by letting the bad cops be bad without doing anything about it.

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People have faced serious criminal charges for leaving water jugs so people might not die in the desert.