Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I’m here for amusement purposes only.

Where are the vicious dogs I was promised?

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San Francisco right now


Your public defender friend must enjoy dunking on prosecutors randomly charging his clients. He should be collecting bank on bad faith filings.

Have they stacked on a hate crime charge yet? If not, start with that. Then maybe look at some of the other murders he’s been involved with and consider bringing those cases back up again.



While walking around the house I catch myself randomly chanting " No Justice No Peace. Prosecute the PO-LICE " Like I don’t even think about it, it just comes out lol

Catchy as hell.


My daughter got this email from her HS CS teacher:

"Hi ____

I wanted to check in and see how you are doing this week. The protests against police violence mixed with the pandemic is an enormous amount of stress at once for young folks to take on. I want you to know I am FIGHTING for you and always will. This is a safe space if you want/need to share anything you are feeling or thinking right now. I am here for you and your life MATTERS to me."

Gonna write a thank-you when I can see again.


So the past two nights, as I’ve posted, there have been protesters on the main corner of my hicksville town. Across the street are the “defenders” (read: MAGAts) with their Trump and no step on snek flags and guns and trucks.

I had considered joining the protests, but as I am an innocuous middle-aged white lady, I wonder if I could try to infiltrate the bubbas and start “just asking questions”. I have been talking with a friend who’s hobby is infiltrating right wing political chat rooms and doing something similar. I’m almost tempted to do it. No one in town really knows me because I try to avoid socializing in Ramona as much as possible, so I could maybe pull it off for a little while, at least.

Minnesota does not have a specific hate or bias law, but uses the presence of hate or bias in the crime, or in victim selection, to determine sentencing severity. The federal government does have specific hate or bias crimes, as a separate crime in addition to the type of violence, and that crime will be adjudicated in federal courts.

Lotta dudes with black/PoC wives here (me as well), you love to see it


In the protests of 2015 or 16 or w/e between right-wingers and antifa-types I did recon on the right-wingers. I didn’t talk to anyone though.

Don’t waste your time with fools like that. They are also not safe to be near, for Covid reasons alone.


Honestly sounds fun but I wouldn’t risk it. A lot of these people are complete scum and you have no idea how they will react.

I live in a similar place in CA with a lot of MAGA assholes and I posted a video earlier of them attacking peaceful protests.

Stay safe. Anyone out there protesting the protesters is legit the worst of the worst. These aren’t your average piece of shit Trump supporters. The vast majority of Trump supporters I know are silently sitting at home keeping their mouths shut or LARPing about protecing their homes/businesses. People counter protesting are like legit in the top 1% of the biggest pieces of shit in a huge group of pieces of shit. This also means they’re all way beyond saving anyways.


My 2cents on BLM shirts (as a very white person)

  1. if you are going to wear it as a white person, you should expect to be engaged in some tough conversations, both by white people, and some black people who do not like you wearing the shirt. Some folks will appreciate the gesture, while others will see it as performative and lacking substance (as one of my friends recently said, “blackout Tuesday is the safety pin of pussy hats”). If you are not prepared to have a respectful, non-defense conversation with someone in the 2nd camp, don’t wear the shirt.
  1. Don’t JUST wear the shirt. Even if all black people were unanimously ok with white people wearing the shirt, they’d probably also say that, if you asked them to list the things white people could do to actually make Black Lives Matter, wearing the shirt would not be on the top of the list. So, do some of the other things on the list, too.

“Trayvon got killed for wearing for wearing a hoodie” was the ultimate “there’s something terribly wrong but I can’t even begin to articulate it.” Let’s not actively regress.

I guess some people think it’s wrong to make this about anything not absolutely directly BLM, but you could go with a “Fuck the Police” shirt.


I agree with Sabo and StimAbuser. Not worth the trouble.


White women always be sending back their damn steaks man.


It’s not that deep. I don’t know which of the in-laws said “not a hoodie” but it was probably gallows humor, as was my response.


I hope these protests don’t peter out after another week. I mean it took months of regular protests in South Korea to get their president removed from office. It’ll take months to get things going here too.

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