Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The issues of racism/racial justice and police brutality are so inextricably linked, I seriously doubt the message will get lost. More likely it will be strengthened.


Awful take.

The eagerness of police to use extreme violent and deadly force against anyone who disobeys them simply for disobeying them is the underlying issue. It is compounded by racism, and the fuse black people are allowed is probably 1/100th what white people are. But the same thing that killed George Floyd is what caused them to pepper spray those people in KC just standing there.

Saying “police need to stop brutalizing black people” lets them off the hook on the exact systemic problem causing them to brutalize black people. You’re basically saying “why are we focused on drunk driving so much, when we should be focused on the drivers who fail to maintain their lane and crash into things?”


Man, you know it’s bad when the trolls are feeding the trolls…

Nothing, but liberals love taking credit for the work of activists.


Troll centipede


I’d like to buy a BLM shirt, but ideally I’d like to buy from a source that benefits the cause in some way. Anyone have any info on this?



No, but if you’re white, my ex-wife who is a person of color and a really smart academic told me years ago that I can’t wear one. Shrug.

My Facebook feed has a lot of cheeky t-shirt suggestions for you.

That may have been more of a “you” thing.

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I did this today! Plenty of options on Etsy that are donating profits.

I don’t think you have to listen to her any longer.

I don’t but I respect her judgment. She’s a sharp cat who is very sensitive to these kinds of things.

My extensive experience watching law and order has me thinking first degree murder has to be premeditated right? If so does that mean like planning to kill your husband for weeks or can it be a split second before putting your knee on a guys neck?

Yeah, it’s like, what if this accidentally ends up benefiting all victims of police brutality, that would be awful.


That depends on circumstances. And by circumstances I mean the skin color of the murderer and of the victim.

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“Its gonna crank up the wrong people.”

What Karen thinks of her neighbors.

“Unfortunately he is welcome to stand here”

What cops think of the 1st amendment.


Just ordered two shirts (after my Dad asked for one, as well). Thanks!

One thing this entire episode highlights to me is how dull and lifeless American cities are in 2020. Even marching around thoroughly revitalized midtown Atlanta yesterday with thousands of people, so many empty blocks. Nearly all the residential buildings are hollow-looking cheap luxury apartments. Compared with the vibrancy of the march, everything was just so lifeless.

Then I come back here and see standoffs with Charlotte police in a parking garage. Protests at malls and marches down highways. The whole damn thing showcases what a bland, dull place America is. If we’re lucky, our cities are just money pits for the global superrich to invest in empty housing. Otherwise they’re just lifeless husks. They’ve been sucked dry of any interesting and meaningful public, non-commercialized spaces.

No wonder Paris puts together a 10x better protest than anything we’ve had in the matter of a day. Their society has actual depth and fabric.