Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I clearly didn’t make my point well enough. I’ll drop it though.

London <3


USE THE FORCE (that’s now how the force works)


That’s John Boyega of Star Wars/Finn fame :heart_eyes:


This is even true in parts of Manhattan. Corporatized cities with no public spaces suck.

My buddy lived at 7th and C in the East Village in the late 90s, when it was still a fairly dicey neighborhood. The locals had taken over a vacant lot across from his apartment and turned it into an urban garden. It had a giant hollow plastic frog on metal legs, which the overseers of the garden would let various people sleep in for a while if they were down on their luck.

Eventually the city bulldozed it, literally pushing protesters out of the way to do so, and replaced with with a completely sterile boring boxy condo building. They made an episode of the Sierra Club Chronicles about it. Apparently the outrage was big enough that the city stopped bulldozing urban gardens. Every loss is something you never get back.

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Remember when Trump got elected what a big deal our major newspapers made about being the last bulwark against fascism?


Hmm. My wife is a POC, Spelmanite, elected official, and she is very in favor of it.

Fair enough. I can’t say what the right answer is. I was allowed to wear Fuck ICE but not BLM which I bought and never wore.

It’s kind of like this:

Oops my bad, sorry @sabo.

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So I was going to get a BLM t-shirt or hoodie, but if people of color think that’s not cool and it’s appropriation obviously I don’t want to do it. Do any of our members who are black feel strongly one way or another?

Edited to Add: I might wear it to protests, but also just throw it in the clothing rotation. It might make some white people uncomfortable and force conversation, and also hopefully let people of color know they matter to me.


How would that be inappropriate?

Upthread someone said their wife was a person of color and said it was not a cool thing to do. I don’t really understand why personally, but it’s not my call to make. My goal is to be a good ally, so I don’t want to do something that is not appreciated. Instead, I’m asking and listening.

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Not a POC, but of course it’s all right. BLM has an official store for goodness sake: https://blacklivesmatter.shop.capthat.com/store/.


Well said.

I also want to thank you for one of your posts on Mexico City awhile ago on the old forum. I think it was in a favorite cities thread. Your recommendation was one of the catalysts for me to finally take the plunge and visit and I fell in love with the city the very first afternoon. It’s a shame it’s off the travel radar for so many people as it’s dripping in history, culture, beautiful architecture, museums, etc.



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You think that’s confusing to navigate - my dad was black but I came out fully white. And yea I am definitely my father’s son. Genetics are weird.

How do I navigate BLM living my whole life as a white male but having black heritage? Usually, I just don’t mention it, because of the disbelief involved. Strangely though those most accepting of it have been black.

Thanks–that means a lot! I love CDMX, and go there every month or two for work under normal circumstances. We should try to link up when I’m down there sometime in the future.

On a bad news note, I’m on a call right now with the Mexican side of our company, and COVID seems very bad right now. NYC level bad. There have been two deaths among extended family of our small staff, and another one (a doctor) is very sick. Stay safe.

BUT if it’s prudent to go out in front of the US embassy on Reforma and hold a sign for a couple hours, it’d be awesome. I know that spot is no stranger to protests.

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Not a lawyer at all, not a lawyer in MX obviously disclaimer.

My understanding is that it’s illegal for non-MX citizens to protest in MX, and that this is often enforced.

“We will win this war on New York City.”

The SBA/NYPD is either an invading army or a terrorist group, take your pick.

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Fingers crossed that Obama has Luther with him when he addresses the nation.