Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I didn’t realize there was a thing called third degree murder, where I am there’s 1st and 2nd degree and then various types of manslaughter

Minnesota is weird.


Btw, if people are looking for ‘this is the reason the left always loses”™, it’s people actually taking that poll seriously instead of saying fuck u for trying to reframe the protest.


Can you hear us yet? Or do we need to make some more noise?

I don’t think there’s sufficient mens rea with the intent to kill. Ya, if you take a bat to the back of a guys head with a full swing it’s murder, but if you angrily throw a bat at someone from five feet away with no other action and it kills them that’s more manslaughter.
I don’t think you can state that the officer had any intention to severely wound or kill him, it’s fairly obvious he just didn’t give a crap about the guys life and chose to abuse his power while trying to inflict some pain and suffering. Jman’s 3rd degree definition sounds pretty spot on in this case

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Some states have felony murder laws. In Florida, if a death occurs during commission of a felony, you can be charged with first degree murder. I don’t know if what he was doing was considered a felony though.

Nah, I disagree. This isn’t throwing a bat at a man’s head. 7 minutes! He.kneeled on him for 7 minute while the guy said he couldn’t breathe and ultimately called out for his fucking mother before dying. All while crowd members yelled that the officer was killing him. I think you can make out an intentional murder claim here. It’s certainly depraved as well. I’m not super familiar with the state of MN law (in NY you can’t charge both depraved and intentional murder, you have to pick one, but they’re the same level of offense), but if in MN you can charge both my guess is he gets charged with both.


Call me crazy, but I feel like police officers should have higher standards than the general public with regards to this sort of stuff.

I know that’s not the way life works, but it should.

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My son is mixed race as well and I just had the same thought this evening while watching the news that mostly he looks white.

It was a shitty feeling to think that to myself but the context was myself reflecting how I can’t possibly understand what’s it’s like to feel hunted by the people who’s job it is to protect me.

Then I thought of my son and was like well he is basically white. And then that felling of guilt, disgust, I don’t even know.



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By the way I have no evidence at all, I’m just thinking out loud… What are the chances some of these fires are being set by owners themselves to collect the insurance money during a pandemic with a massive recession? Seems like an opportunity some have to be considering, if not taking.


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i regret to inform the thread that Canadian lawbroing about the specific charge levied against the officer that killed George Floyd is dividing the left and needs to stop immediately




On CNN live just now, someone was filming and flipping off a small group of officers at close range, one cop came out of the reserve line and hosed them off with pepper spray.

I think it could be considered murder and it’s in the grey area between 2nd degree and whatever is one below that imo. That being said he should definitely be charged with 2nd degree and the DA should snap accept a 3rd/manslaughter plea, not that a police officer ever would plead guilty

okay, I won’t speak to it anymore. Don’t think it was divisive at all and was enjoying the other opinions and it was altering my viewpoint. Discussion leads to learning


