Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


This makes me want to puke. It’s sad that I have to feel lucky (???) that my son looks white. Holy fuck.



I just went to the account myself, this tweet was two hours ago.


What the fuck that’s attempted murder.

Wait do you guys want the protesters to start killing the police?

Do you want the protesters to start killing the police?

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Does anyone think this Thin Blue Line stuff would be any different if there weren’t police unions?

Some of the things that make disciplining cops difficult are written into CBAs.

I think that’s just Cops marching

I’ll admit I’m not intimately familiar with Minnesota statutes, but if kneeling on someone’s neck for 7 minutes while they tell you they can’t breathe and other people shout at you that you’re killing the person isn’t depraved indifference murder, than nothing is.


That’s not an answer.


lol @ people answering this seriously

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Minnesota’s third degree murder statute reads: “Whoever, without intent…causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life…”


Honestly, there may be enough for an intentional murder here. You are generally presumed to intend the necessary and probable consequences of your actions and intent can be formed in the moment.

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The answer is obviously “no”, of course. Not all cops, in all places, at all times are organized, not world-wide, not in the US, not right now in the US… but they all do the “fine blue line” thingee.

And lol @ working folk not organizing just because they happen to work for a government. What’s next… prisoners shouldn’t organize either ???/?

Jack McCoy is always like this guy demonstrated a depraved indifference to human life. MURDER TWO MOTHERFUCKERS.

Like if you are torturing a guy and he dies you can’t be all oh I was just torturing the guy, I didn’t mean to kill him. Can I have manslaughter please?


I would not be unhappy if changing circumstances warranted a thread titled “The Non-Tragic Death of Derek Chauvin”.

I did fantasize briefly earlier about that scene from v for vendetta where the citizens march on parliament and the police just stand down and let them by