Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


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It was on this day RiskyFlush learned he was a ninja



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I leave a shuriken on the doorstep of those cops every anniversary of that day. They helped me in ways they’ll never know.


I have had a lot of interactions with police, a lot of it bad, a lot of it good, some neutral.

When I was young and poor I drove a really beat up junker. My uncle, who is a cop, told me later that the reason I got pulled over so much was because I drove a piece of crap car. I guess it makes you a target. This makes sense, anecdotally, most cars I see pulled over on the road look like pieces of crap. The police target the poor for sure.

I had had my car searched twice before for no reason, and they literally dump your shit out all on the street and tear your car apart and all your neighbors can see you and its a super humiliating experience. So, I was on my way to a brunch one day, driving my piece of crap ford focus, and I got pulled over by a CHP on a sidestreet. Not sure what he was doing there. I wasn’t speeding or doing anything wrong.

He immediately asks if he can search my car. I just had had my car searched the month before, and was aware of my rights, so I asked him if he had reason to search my car. He said “you seem pretty nervous, why are you so nervous?” And I told him cops scared me because they shoot people for no reason. He didn’t like that very much and ordered me out of my car.

I still refused the search, asking him over and over what reason he had to search my car. He just kept asking and I kept saying no and asking him what reason he had to search my car. He got really close to me and in my face and kept asking me if I was gonna fight him, I was terrified. I was like no, of course not, but I know how you guys do searches and its embarrassing and I’m running really late to a brunch. So I got back in my car finally and he asked me how long I had to be at my brunch. I said I have to be there in 15 minutes, and he told me to stay put, went back into his car, waited exactly 15 minutes, and then came back and told me I could leave. I asked him why he pulled me over and he didn’t answer me.

Another memorable interaction was when I had guns drawn on me. In the middle of the night, I was heading home from work in a wealthy neighborhood where I guess there had been a burglary. I was headed down some side alleys when a bunch of lights flashed on me, cops drew their guns and started yelling GET OFF THE BIKE DROP THE BACKPACK HANDS IN THE AIR HANDS IN THE AIR. I really thought in that moment I was toast. After they searched my shit, and when they realized I was harmless they let me go but then at the next intersection they did the same exact shit to me, sans gun. I snarkily asked them to radio the other guys and tell them I’m coming so I don’t get guns drawn on me again.

Another time I got pulled over for having a “faulty brakelight” and a black cop stopped and frisked me, no explanation given. I only mention he was black because he seemed genuinely remorseful afterwards and told me I was a “good kid” and apologized to me afterward. I checked my light later - there was no problem with it.

One time I had bad tags from another vehicle, the cop stopped me, made me scratch them off, and let me go with a simple court summons. Totally white privilege there. He should have arrested me.

My good interactions mostly come from being a boat captain and having unruly or dangerous passengers and having to deal with police on that. They were always extremely professional and helpful in those situations.

Ever since I got a “nice” car I have not once been pulled over.


Love Legal Eagle. He did a kick-ass review of Liar Liar and My Cousin Vinny. Always cool and eloquent.

Not here. He is in tears and speaking from the heart.

And then the president of law and order stays past his own fucking curfew to take a goddamn picture?!



So he’s gonna get fired.




Lol I was friends with her in college, small world. She’s good people

Thread title was @sabo’s idea. His suggestion was “then” instead of “and,” which I like because it makes it more clear that the cops are the ones rioting.


Zuckerberg is unbearable. Remember when he thought he was going to be president and visited every state?

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No. Was a 34 year old. The 13 was early rumors but not true.

Ben Crumb the Floyd Family Lawyer live on CNN

lol wtf is this shit



He says they expect the other 3 officers to be arrested today

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If that is true it will be interesting to see what the charges are.

Pretty sickening, dude yells at the cops so they just waltz over, start spraying people, and detain him.



bad cops just can’t help themselves.