Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

5:00 pm EST: Obama begins speaking
5:01 pm EST: Trump officially declares civil war

See y’all at the meetin’?

Yeah I know it won’t make a difference. Guys like this aren’t fixable. Any efforts should be addressed at people who don’t have strong political views or maybe Biden supporters.

Not for nothing but thanks to Mueller the Russians now have a free hand to do basically whatever the fuck they want and the voices sighing “Not this again” will be legion.


Yeah there are also a couple of moments when the cops DIDN’T do anything to me when the opportunity was definitely there.

Good call. That season is as tough as the Epstein documentary. One episode at a time because it is emotionally devastating, but I see it also as needed work to confront my blind spots.

False. But I may be misreading the strength of your claim.

It’s amazing how many imaginary situations people in this country create to scare themselves. This lady is worried that this white kid holding up a sign will lead to riots and her being shot in the fucking suburbs



Growing up, the father of the two boys across the street was some kind of religious nut. To punish them he would take off his shirt and kneel in the doorway then make them, also shirtless, come into the house while he whipped them with his belt. I think he would say a prayer while doing it. For some reason this reminded me of that.


TBH I’m expecting a lot of nice-sounding words that mean nothing. I will be shocked if cops get more condemnation in his speech than rioters/looters.


Not sure of the creator, but it’s great.


I enjoyed listening to it, but it spawned a cult following of people dedicated to getting a guy who definitely murdered his ex girlfriend out of prison, which is not great.


I had a run-in with the cops many years ago that I now see differently.

I remember in my early twenties when I was still very much into martial arts. I was in a small southern state and went to a tiny park around midnight in a low-key suburban (that’s color code) neighborhood down the street. I mean tiny playground. A few playground items, then wide open field until a wall of trees began.

I did some hand to hand form training but had also brought a katana for live weapon work. I normally trained hands free or with a bokken/wooden katana, but I wanted the weight and was a little eager after a mishap a few months earlier had sent the tip of the blade through my left calf. Ouch and embarrassing but it happens, and I was insecure enough to obsess over never letting it happen again.

So it’s after midnight, everyone in the neighborhood is asleep, the park is pitch dark except for moonlight. I’d be shocked if anyone could see me, but someone did. I found out when blue lights flashed along the sidewalk. Someone had called the cops.

I shrank to the side of the park. I guess I could have just explained what I was doing, but I was an idiot both afraid of authority and arrogant enough to assume I could be invisible to them whenever needed. Not that what happened next did anything to break me of that delusion.

They came forward with flashlights and called out for me to show myself. I didn’t. They saw me move to the side of the park near the trees, where I melded into the shadows and the branches deeply enough to blend into the darkness and the stillness.

They came over there and shined their lights and told me to come out now. I wondered if they could see me, but then they started talking to themselves. They weren’t even sure I was there, or whether I’d totally backed into the shadows and was gone. They weren’t sure whether they were talking to themselves.

Eventually they left, and after ten or so minutes of staying motionless, I finally came out and walked down the road to go back home. Anti-climactic, but I look back now and think of how bad that could have gone had I been a person of color.

The end

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I remember the first hurricane that hit south Florida after I moved down here. They sentenced bunch of National Guard to sit in front of all the bridges leading over to Palm Beach Island, to prevent people from entering. This was the middle of a fucking hurricane, in the summer, when the majority of those homes were vacant. The longer I live down here in close proximity to the ultra wealthy, the more leftward my political views shift.

I hope that these events have a similar effect on others with a similar background to me.


No badge number, no name identifier and no body cam. Wonder what he wants to do



I wanted to see the rest when she started going nuts after being called a snowflake. These people are so pathetic. They spew vile, offensive garbage in every interaction without realizing it and call the cops over a sign that says black lives matter which sadly is pretty controversial.

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valid criticism

CNN is reporting that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison will make an announcement early this afternoon regarding the investigation in the George Floyd murder case.

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While you were posting on Unstuck, I studied the blade.


Statement for Ben & Jerry’s:
