Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I was going to say we should all globally network, maybe some Americans do one in French, or chant about the French police… But then I realized we already have a few chants that use some French.


Funny, that’s how most of our wars go too. “I dunno man, I didn’t know where I was going, we dropped some bombs, 20 years later we’re still here!”

I don’t know who couldn’t come up with a better lie than going to see a vandalized bathroom, but either way it’s hilarious. Imagine Trump with all these important people in the Oval and he’s like, “OK, we’re going to walk three blocks that way to go see a vandalized bathroom.”

And they’re all like, welp, he’s the president so I guess we’re going to go see a burnt out shitter.

Or, Esper is lying, and the reporter was like “Where did you think you were going?” and that’s the best he could do. Blurted it out and was immediately like “God, I’m so stupid.”









i really don’t understand who our allies are, if we have any.

Great job, glad it didn’t get any worse than that and I hope the lump doesn’t get any worse!




Saw on Twitter a pregnant woman was hit with a rubber bullet in the stomach.

Right to lifers applaud it and say she shouldn’t be there if she cared.

The narrator is going to run a slam dunk contest on my face in like two weeks, but there is a glimmer of hope. Like a lot of people that wouldn’t usually support this are, but I imagine once the real show of force comes, they will mostly forget about it.

That said, Ferguson just elected their first black mayor six years later. Maybe this November there is enough of an impact from this to…

Buy us enough time to all move to Canada.

No, really though, there’s at least a glimmer.

You don’t need tear gas to disperse a crowd of GOP Senators, just ask them what they think of Trump abusing his power. They take off running.

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holy fuck



I’ve thought about this a lot the last few days. I think we’re right where he wants us, but I’m not sure about the motivation being giving us COVID-19 so much as distracting from it and being able to blame-shift later.

Now, you might say that if we’re right where he wants us, we’re fucking up. Maybe. But what I’d say is, if he keeps 4betting you light with air, you just need to 5b jam and hope you don’t run into AA. This seems like a really good time to 5b jam, because if we fold we’re going to be so short stacked we don’t get to 5b with fold equity anymore.

I would guess that a huge percentage of people driven to protest have felt a lot of pain at some point from others, thus they have a lot more empathy than the average person. I was bullied for several years as a kid and it was just absolutely fucking terrible. I know what it feels like to hurt every day for something out of your control. I often get choked up when I see people do kind things for those who are in pain, and I think it’s because I know how much it means. I also get choked up and really happy when I do something good and a few days later find out that tons of people did that same thing, and we made a difference. I saw some fundraising numbers for the bail funds in Minnesota and Philadelphia tonight and I got a little choked up about it. A lot of people gave money, like they basically have too much money now and are asking people to donate to other recommended causes. I’m sure they’ll figure out something good to do with it.

Meanwhile all the good people I know who don’t care so much about this stuff even though their beliefs about it are fine have not had any real suffering in their lives.


White guy in Michigan carries automatic rifle and screams in cops face? Gets a blow job from the cop.

Black guy in New York has a gun and is shot 19 times.

It is awesome that police keep killing more and more black people in their riots.

Don’t watch if you don’t want to


This is really fucked up

NYPD claiming it had nothing to do with protests just got report of gunfire and this guy was walking around with a gun.


I can’t be the only one having visions of somebody mounting a minigun to the bed of a pickup and just pulling up in front of a line of cops, right?


Trip report from Portland. I heard that Portland was playing nice so I decided to go into town to check out the protests at 9pm. I came into downtown on bike from the west and the city was eerily quiet. I got close to pioneer square and heard a police loudspeaker so I went that direction. My first sight of the protests were a line of cops behind a fence blocking the street. I biked a block further down towards the protesters who were chanting loudly.

I expected to just bike to the middle of town to a peaceful protest. Within a minute of seeing protesters, I heard the cops rush down the block, which is a creepy sound to hear in real life. I turned and backed up a block or so with a bunch of protesters always trying to keep myself toward the rear with my bike. Don’t bring a bike to a protest would be sound advice.

I thought that getting gassed was such a remote possibility it took me a minute to realize that the loud bangs and smoke I was seeing was actually gas. I biked another two blocks away when a friend texted me asking if she should come down. I responded with a fuck no, it’s nuts here. Fuck, more gas.

I biked away a few more blocks. Debated heading back home or going to the main protest at Pioneer Square. Curiosity got me as I went to the square. It was packed with protesters and perfectly calm. Various people spoke and it was a positive atmosphere. Almost as if there were not hundreds of people being tear gassed three blocks away. It was surreal.

Rode around to check out the rest of downtown. Protesters painted a cool mural on the wood covering a busted up apple store so I stopped to take a few pictures and text my friend, thinking I was a few blocks away from the protests. I wasn’t. A few loud bangs and I look up to see protesters rounding the corner with white smoke arching above them. One canister found it’s way around the corner and rolled within five feet of me. I luckily wasn’t in the smoke and moved quick to stay away from it but holy shit! People were offering assistance and water throughout the crowd to those that got gassed.

I found my way to fourth ave where part of the protest was ruled unlawful and was being tear gassed. I tried to stay a block out of the gas range taking pictures and video. Saw at least ten canisters launched into crowds. I’m still shocked I witnessed that actually happening in a city I absolutely love.

Went back to the main peaceful part of the protest that wasn’t being gassed as they made their way to Burnside bridge. People briefly gathered to block it but decided against it as many went across to East Portland, some went back in to downtown who I followed uneventfully back to pioneer square. I decided to head home around 11:30.

What an insane, surreal experience. I am proud to live here though because there were thousands in the streets, mostly behaving from what I witnessed.


Holy shit.

Was the victim really 13?

How does this only have two likes? I saw this on Twitter earlier and I have watched it like 15 times and still laugh every time.

“I yield my time FUCK YOU!”

This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in weeks.