Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Win win from an electoral point of view. The protesters are going to be killing their parents and grandparents.

I mean AOC singing na na na na hey hey goodbye to Steve King is a little childish and

just fine by me!

Gas and flash in Portland

Holy shit, Gas and flash into fairly heavy traffic (car traffic) in DT Portland

Goddamn, the protesters who jump on the gas canisters and put them out are incredible.

Yes, my brother lived in Portland for years. Truly a tale of two cities. (The police being the vanguard of one “side”.)

Holy fuck. Portland is unhinged.

Been kind of active/busy all day with various things and trying to catch up, and you guys are outpacing me. Going to start skipping some posts lol I’m somehow still 393 behind.

Wow that’s so fucked up, not at all surprising I guess. What would you do? Try to memorize it? Put it on the soles of my feet? lol

Yeah this may be the last election in which establishment Democrats get my vote. I will vote against Trump, I want to give us a shot at AOC 2024 or 2028 with free/fair elections. But that’s it. The mask is off.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimp love ya buddy but lol

This is what I need to get back to doing in a few days. I don’t like feeling like some shitty person just making money, so I’ve been doing more involved stuff. I could just donate 5-10% of my earnings to the cause and be having more of an impact, maybe spend an hour a day on it otherwise. Not only would it be more effective, it would also protect my mental health more.

What’s amazing is that most of us here probably consume way more than we actually need and way less than the average American at each of our income levels.


Police riot in progress in Portland. Spread the word, call in the national guard.

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If it makes you feel any better, a pretty big proportion of the players now seem to be MAGAts. I’m seeing waaaay more n-words in the chat since Trump took over. Feels great when you can take a couple stacks off an obvious bigot.

Sad side story: I’m from Nebraska and one guy had the screenname “Tom Osborne” so we had a pleasant chat about the Huskers (even though I’m not a fan) and where we grew up. Then I won 3 stacks off him (including a 30/70 where I got a bit lucky, but play was fine). That set him off and soon came the tirades calling me a f***ot. I felt much less bad about crushing his soul.

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Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard. I was going to donate to his campaign, he’s up for re-election on 6/9 in the Democratic Primary, but his two challengers may be better… dunno… And I’ve spent too much time researching stuff today. If anyone finds out, feel free to post about it.

One thing I’ve been doing lately is speaking more with my wallet. I’ve donated about as much in the last 6 days alone as I’ve donated in my life to politics. Not sure if that means I was a cheapskate before or I’m making it rain now. Probably a cheapskate before. But I plan to keep it up. So far it’s mostly bail funds, a little to progressive primary challengers. We cannot keep electing these bullshit Dems and expecting to get meaningful change ever, and I cannot let the heroes out on the streets not get bailed out ASAP.


Spent today making plans, communicating, connecting, etc. Soon.

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I’m good! Prepping.

he hadn’t eaten toast yet at that point


just gnawing on dry white toast like it’s a child’s bones


I’m like 300 posts behind guys but I’m good. I saw like 5 mentions and thought, shit, they must think I’m missing or something lol…I think I post too much on normal days lol… There was some action nearby but I was not in it, I was communicating and connecting and watching from my roof and keeping tabs on what was flying around the nearby skies. Seeing as I was within a half mile, I put the word out that I could be reached if needed to go full Swann Street if necessary. Thankfully, my only usefulness was giving a heads up when the police chopper moved in - but everything stayed peaceful, no arrests, there was a scary moment when a white guy with an AR-15 wearing red was spotted moving toward the protest from about 3 blocks away, but apparently he got turned back or something. Nothing ever came of it, he never got within my line of sight.

I spent all day running back and forth to my rooftop to make sure that he or others like him weren’t moving around in my area, ready to sound the alarm if they were. Meanwhile, as I was like staring down everyone walking past, I hope I didn’t scare any people of color that some white dude on the roof was watching them. Need to put up a BLM sign, I think.

Also helped a friend in the media brainstorm some material as he wrote a piece that hopefully does not get him fired. I partially feel bad because I talked him out of going as extreme as he wanted to go, but he was going to turn in a piece that was probably going to get pulled within 30 minutes and cost him his job within 60, and he’s got a wife and 2-year-old daughter. He would have gotten death threats, too. I hope I made his piece more effective and less risky for him. We’ll see.


It’s tin foil but not too tin foil.


I love triggering those types and taking their money. I fucking love it.


I know this has been ponied, but I’m happy that Steve King is out - he sank like a stone and the chance of him ever again sniffing Trumps greasy asscrack is done. He’s going to have to hope to be a low renter grifter for the GOP, but he’s such a hack I doubt he’ll get a chance to do so. I’m sure that his replacement will be nearly as bad but I’ll take a win when I can get one.


Lol ins0s always with their priorities.