Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Don’t forget the Alamo Streamer!

Or something like that.

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A couple dozen civilians trapped on a roof in Hollywood. Unlike in DC last night, LAPD is vowing to arrest them all.

ETA: by 9:30 pdt they had.

I’m convinced that lefties age better than conservatives. Maybe it’s just that these people were much cooler to begin with, but every old ass person I know who is still awesome and can kick it with young people without a second thought is pretty far left.

Conservatives just suck. They just complain even more about everything and just nonstop judge anyone in their vicinity.

Maybe it’s not even an age thing.


I’m hearing some stuff that sounds like the 4th of July from a few miles away - possibly in Torrance.

You’re being reactionary and assuming what you believe to be true is more important than the facts on the ground.

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With the umbrella brigade in full force, this shit is about to get ugly in Seattle in about ten minutes.

Im scared for them

Ok, we’ll abolish cops with the landlords and then we’ll all live in harmony. Problem solved.

I really hope this Jessica Frost stays on. Sounds like her husband is trying to get her to stop filming but she has the best vantage point in Seattle I’ve seen

Old Republicans literally spend all their free time complaining. All of it. If there is any comfort in our politics it’s that Trump voters are as a group some of the most miserable, joyless people on the planet.


Seattle protest happening at 11th and pine.

Now chanting “Hell No, we won’t go” en mass

I was there briefly at curfew with my younger daughter. It was much smaller at that point.

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Yeah this is the one I’m on. Thanks for posting.

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I’m in Torrance. I hear it. It’s not that close to me though and I’m not sure what it is.

How did you find out about it?

Happened upon it. I also saw a small protest in Torrance. Just honked in support at that one. These are both between my house and my mom’s.

Guessing no one was smashing windows in Hermosa?

Im realizing that I’m barely breathing right now watching Seattle. I keep holding my breath.

This could go down any minute.

Didn’t see any. Lots of windows boarded up though. Also most of downtown MB boarded up.

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My Friends in Manhattan Beach - like 10 blocks from the water say they can also hear the explosions. Those things must be pretty massive to hear them from MB all the way to S. Redondo.