Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

That’s the old couple you want to be imo.

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Mayor of my city:



The seattle protesters brought umbrella’s tonight… :ok_hand:

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Likely the latter. They boarded up the mall in Roseville even though there have been a total of 0 protests so far

No idea where they got them from. Its tradition for those living in Seattle to not even own umbrellas and laugh at the newbies who go out with them.



Also… Seattle is about to kick off

I remember the good old days when someone was complaining that all other threads were drying up because the COVID thread was sucking up all the oxygen.


Can this guy run for president, please?


I guess this is what went down in Hermosa Beach - not sure if today, yesterday or some other day. Helluva shot.

Edit: I’ve been told it was today.


Yeah this is a huge fucking crowd. Where are they at exactly?

Maybe you should think about that, perhaps God is really operating through Pat Robertson and Nietzsche was wrong.

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I’m not sure… WOKE stream on twitch has some other views from there

I hope her presence manifests an outcome that sets a precedent. Would love to be past the peak and a wave of good shit happens. But I fear there will be conflict and her outrage will be our outrage.

From three years ago but still relevant

Dat penmanship

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You mean this deadbeat who won’t even pay his rent. His landlord has his priorities in line…


well I’ve never seen this before–there are now conflicting numbers of the feenstra/king race. (one feenstra called, other uhhh maybe not) I don’t have the data to parse through it.

god damnit Iowa get your shit together. I’m assuming the feenstra blowout county is causing this? (edit–yes it is, NYT doesn’t have it)

Looks like Capitol Hill, the gay club sector.

Gas fired at the Alamo

San Antonio TX at the Alamo Streamer down… :cry: