Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)



One of the replies said “I am mourning by filing the serial number off my gun.”

On the off chance this was legitimate at all, it is tone deaf and ignorant. Outside the current situation, police should not be obscuring their badge ID number ever.

I do like the suggestion that police should have 3” reflective badge numbers on the front and back of the inform.

Not according to Joe Biden.



So we started east towards Astor Place then south on Broadway. Its 9:45 and everything’s closed. We spotted a line of Guardian Angels all in a row. Over the years and hearing the stories I have a lot of respect for these guys. They were of all races and there in the middle of nowhere. We kept going south. We hit city hall. It’s a ghost town.
We cruised the empty streets and around city hall when it was like BAM! No cops. Tons of cops. we ran into at least 30 cops in a line in full riot gear. They were looking at us kinda surprised to see us. we kept riding. Shortly after there was a large monument with a protestor speaking to a large crowd of maybe a hundred. Seemed pretty civil and we listened for a little bit.
We continued biking and from a distance we saw a herd of protestors. Big mix of people of all races etc. We were def older then most of them. There were chanting stuff. Pretty non threatening people to be honest.
And then we would bike and see the packs. The packs were groups of guys that seemed to have only one thing on their minds. Looting. They were never around the protesters but we spotted them on side streets. Either throwing construction cones in the middle of the road etc. Testing metal cage doors. They def weren’t protesting like the others. They seemed to be on a shopping spree.
Heading north on Broadway we let “the herd”. because it looked like it was the zombies from walking dead from behind go north with out us. We are like where are they going?
You could see which businesses were smart and boarded up. And the businesses where their gates were ripped open etc. we passed the Guardian Angels again. Mike recognizes the founder Curtis Sliwa and we thanked them. Randomly there would be places destroyed and then like that Salad place which was lit up were looters completely ignored. Guess people didn’t want salads tonight.
Foot locker was the first we ran into that was bad. Guys we’re running in and out of there while people watched. Like waves would run in and run out and then when the cops Wouldbt show up they would run back in. 
A couple dudes actually had their new shoes on. Waves of dudes went in and out. Cops were no where to be seen. I was tapeing across the street but It was sad. More businesses were destroyed. They were looting Gap. The one for kids. Cops were nowhere.

TR from a buddy of mine in Manhattan. Sure sounds like the cops have no interest in stopping any looting - and may be actively helping it by leaving bricks around in places.

The full audio is available in a few places.

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If someone offered me $1,000 cash to listen to trump for 55 minutes I would snap turn them down.




I really hope their chanting stuff like “Go hide in your bunker!” - that would trigger Trump.


DC live:

Hope you & your property is all OK…

Boston, NYC and Washington have massive crowds today… Seems a lot of people decided to join the movement today like our boy @anon38180840 :v: How is it, we need a trip report. :sunglasses:

Has one fucking mayor or politican anywhere stepped forward with a list of meaningful reforms that they are enacting/pushing?


Uncle B’s Revenge

The absence of this is really shocking. The most robust policy discussion I have heard was Biden today.

How are all governors and mayors not announcing a huge congress on police reform?

I am rooting for a league wide taking of the knee for opening week.

Will I be disappointed?

hahaha yes

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I remember 150 years ago when there was a national emergency, thousands of barrels of ink spilled and hundreds of hours of tv because a black guy kneeled down. Those were the days.

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They aren’t allies in this. Not a single fucking one.


Thanks. I’m currently safe yet sleep deprived from the helicopters and flashbangs last night. I expect the crowds tonight will be pretty big. The main kettling activity last night happened in a pretty wealthy residential area of the city and, while I don’t expect those folks to start breaking stuff, I do think a lot of them will want to yell about having tear gas canisters fired at their million dollar houses.