Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I mean its nice and all and better than the opposition, but i’d be more impressed if he made that speech about the “war on drugs”. It’s easier to be passionate and decisive about someone else’s problems.

The problem isn’t only that Biden is old, slow and uninspiring, the problem is that he doesn’t think there’s much of a problem to fix.


David Simon, the guy who made an entire show about how American institutions were bad and failing, and then as soon as Trump got elected became “Orange Man Bad, just get him out and America will be good again, if you disagree you’re a ■■■■■■■■■■■ chundlefuck”


Statement from GWB: “The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving. Those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of America.”


Of course not, because he in large part created it. I mean he’s the guy Barack Obama chose as VP to assuage white racists, about the only two things he gets excited about are locking up black people and giving handjobs to predatory finance.


Ctrl+F “Black Lives Matter”
Ctrl+F “Police”


The statement from GWB is actually good. Laura must have written it.

Also, another contender for those irony tweet awards I mentioned:

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Went and dropped off water and snacks at the lil protest near me



“Mourning bands” aka things that obscure your ID


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Even this monumental dumbass knows the cheat codes to “intersectionality”

if you have the time, and want to be completely and utterly horrified, feel free to listen to the call from Trump to the governors. Yes, it’s Alyssa Milano’s podcast, but I haven’t seen the full recording anywhere else, so forgive that.

It is really really bad.

Storm troopers protecting Lincoln Memorial for some reason

I respect what you are doing and don’t want to clutter this thread. I am happy to take it to another thread is you want to discuss but I do understand what it means to end capitalism and it is simply never going to happen and the very idea hurts the cause of justice and curbing police violence.

Odds that they started this “tribute” the same time the protests started?

And they have bayonets. Could be a disaster in DC tonight.


It’s always the concern trolling with these fools. They just can’t help themselves.


That’s a bold endorsement of revisionism.

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The police in this country is a huge racket, you don’t approve their budget increase they suddenly start taking longer to get to your constituents calls




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Thought I would post a brief trip report from yesterday.

I joined a local protest in the afternoon yesterday. I stayed on the periphery mostly as I’m stilll trying to social distance. About 1,200 people. It was pretty tame, especially compared to the US. We walked downtown to the City hall and then hung out for an hour or so. Lots of signs like you have seen. I even spotted an antifa shirt. There were some cops around but they basically stayed away and let us do our thing.

A few Counsellors came out to chat with us which was cool.

Overall, it was a nice experience and let me get out some of my angst. I also met a few cool local activists I am going to hook up with again to offer help.

It was reported pretty well in our media too even though it’s pretty right wing.