Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Yes. Because it’ll be like this…


No fucking kneeling with the bosses !!!1!




Big Structural Bailey!

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Bringing your dog to a protest that could conceivably turn into a police riot is stupid as hell.


The DEA? What the fuck does any of this have to do with the fucking DEA?


Calling shenanigans on that being Warren - she’s not holding a full can of beer.

ETA. No, that’s wrong, I forgot her campaign was over.


Ya I agree. We were going to bring ours yesterday then decided against it for for this exact reason.

Hi folks. I want to explain to you why this statement is important. Please read my post before you react to Godlfein’s statement itself.


Before we go on, please read CMSAF Wright’s thread:


First, I was a little surprised when I saw that thread yesterday. Not only did an active duty airman make a “political” statement, he did so using his official CMSAF account. With a picture of himself in uniform. As it turns out, he had the full support of his commanding officer.

This is really eye-opening for a couple of reasons. Going beyond Goldfein’s statement itself, which on the surface doesn’t say much, is what’s important. What he’s really saying is 1) he’s a white man who is fully supporting his black subordinate, and 2) This isn’t a political issue at all. If it was, Wright would have been reprimanded and the thread wouldn’t still be around.

The Air Force isn’t perfect, by far. But this is the type of paradigm shift we need to see in leadership for anything to change.


Were there Mounties? (Asks an American buffoon).

WTF immortal technique calling out my lil ass town. No idea why, it’s not crazy out here



Oh shit I guess there was a clash with protesters and white supremacists like 1 mile from my house last night and I didn’t even know


Nope. Many bigger cities in Canada have their own police forces. We do.

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The same thing it has to do with the border patrol or the bureau of prisons or any of the other random three letter federal agencies they have been trotting out. They have the fancy, scary looking toys, so they get the call.

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NYC curfew is really dumb. Looked out my window and looks the same as always. Supposed to be no cars on the streets.

Please violently attack that looter Elizabeth Warren DC Police and Military Police!

(Don’t want you hurt Mrs. Warren but it would advance the cause)

The imperial army has arrived


What does DEA stand for? Die Everyone Anyways? I am confused by this allowance.

If I learned anything from Breaking Bad, it’s that ATM’s are really difficult to break into.


Must listen:

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