Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


This guy beat the incumbent in 2018 by campaigning on reducing incarceration by at least 15%. The MAGA choad replies are amusing.


I’d imagine this is the type of stuff people would have sent each other by messenger if it existed during the civil war


This is the photo from the Atlanta situation that has resulted in 6 cops being fired



I’ll take this one.

So what you’re doing right now is one of my personal pet peeves, and that’s forecasting with a ruler. If there’s one consistent truth in history/economics it’s that it’s cyclical. The seeds of the next downturn are planted when things are at their best. This applies to economics, but also politics.

You’re asking what’s going to change between now and 2032. Well for starters these protests seem to have two exit ramps from where I’m sitting: armed rebellion or concessions. Until then there will probably be large demonstrations with no end in sight.

You’re literally watching the immune system rejecting the sickness in real time. Every action has a reaction. Just remember this point when things seem like they are going really well. The seeds of our collective downfall will be going in the ground right then.

Why is this guy unfriending his wife and children over this? Seems kind of dumb, wont he run into them around the house?


Well when you marry your cousin you don’t tend to be the kind of person who thinks these things through.


I don’t even know what this threat in the Dallas DA twitter replies means.


I am sure all these law and order losers were cheering when the AG and Governor saved that Salon Owner for breaking the law.

Demilitarization is obviously necessary but isn’t going to change these situations. Most are shot with pistols and George died from a size 12 boot to his neck.

I kind of agree with you, but I also think that “things move is cycles” is also probably glossing over a lot of important dynamics, much like extrapolating linearly misses a lot. There are certainly cyclical patterns in history, but I think there are also “fork in the road” situations where the short term outcome sends a society on one of two long, very distinct trajectories. 2020 in the US feels like one of those moments. Someone is going to win this fight between forces that are seeking widespread reforms to promote equality vs. forces that are actively seeking to entrench and even strengthen structural biases that favor their group over others. If you zoom out enough I suppose that a win for hate in 2020 will just look like a small dip in the long upward march of progress. But that would be pretty cold comfort for me, personally, because if hate wins in 2020 literally millions are going to suffer for years or decades.

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Rapists vs Rapist, the fight everyone was waiting for


So I think there are two forces at play here:

Conservatives - who want to keep things largely the same to protect what they have.

Progressives- who want to improve society to make a better life for the future.

I actually think that when either side ‘wins’ something bad happens. When conservatives win you get the US since the 80’s or in a more extreme example the middle ages. Things stay the same, including any structural problems, which generally speaking grow over time when not addressed. Eventually this erupts in a period of often entirely too fast poorly thought out change that creates as many problems as it solves.

When the progressives win change starts to accelerate and becomes kind of a runaway train. At some point the lists start getting made and people start getting purged. Often this is because the conservatives held power for such a long time that change busted down the door, but it’s still a disadvantage of the progressives winning. Again lots of examples through history.

I think we’re at the breaking point of this particular period of conservative dominance. I think nobody ITT has any idea what’s going to happen next, but I think it’s pretty obvious that this particular train we’ve been on since at least Nixon is about to jump the tracks.

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I’m doing the minimum amount of work to stay employed.

Unfortunately, the last few weeks have required A LOT of minimum work :(.

It’s a bit surreal. My office is located downtown in my city where there have bee nightly protests with a little violence.

Something that I feel like needs to be talked about more (especially by the media and politicians) is that it is outrageous that our police forces are using tear gas on protesters. Especially triggering is the fact that they tear gassed that house in DC last night given the long documented history in the US of tear gassing residences leading to fires that have killed the inhabitants.

This is one concrete step forward that needs to be taken as a result of these protests is a federal ban on the use of tear gas.


What do you mean by “purged”?

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man I remember when they showed that ad during the SC Republican primary debate. That was hilarious, seems like forever ago.

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Oh they’re usually but not always dead. These things only happen when the progressives get complete control and start to see certain people as obstacles to progress.

Ideally you want both sides regularly doing deals.

It hasn’t quite happened with blood relatives (yet) but I already have (had) lifelong friendships that have ended over Trump way before this. I don’t get on FB much though.

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Then you really, really, reaaly need to show your work how “police can’t summarily execute black people” will lead to to conservatives being killed.

Legit lol’d