Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

‘Police can’t summarily execute black people’ isn’t progressives winning everything. That comes after they use this moment to seize complete control of the entire process and run it for a couple of decades, get everything they could reasonably want, and start to push silly shit.

I wouldn’t stress too much about the really bad progressive outcomes when we’re literally living through the conservative bad outcomes. I would prefer that the conservatives came back to their senses and started negotiating in remotely good faith.

Let’s be really clear, after we win political power in this country some of us are going to have to take on the role of conservatives to blunt the craziest shit the far left wants.

I don’t even think the current justice system can be saved. It pretty much needs to be demolished and restarted from scratch.

I seriously aspire to being a conservative some day. That’s because I want every position to the right of me gone :smile:

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Abolishing police.

I’ll share the back and forth I had with my mom, since it’s kinda the opposite of this, and maybe people will find a different approach useful.


Impossible to predict. If everything goes wrong for the GOP and we win a stunning total victory we’ll find out when the younger people ITT are in their 50’s-60’s.

Is this what a sizable number of progressives want or is this just by a fringe element within the progressive movement?

I grew up in an extremely religious environment and trust me when I say using the Bible against them is a good trolling technique but nothing more. They rarely/never read the Bible or study it and just cherrypick verses and interpretations that fit whatever biases they have.

People have been doing it for 2,000 years and it’s never gonna change.


Dude… the current police are the bad guys. There’s absolutely nothing redeeming about them. That’s on display every night unless you turn away and refuse to watch. I think you need to watch more than most people ITT. You’ve got some pretty serious programming to overcome. You literally said that most police abuse allegations are overblown earlier ITT.

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Abolish the bible.


But the trolling is fucking delicious.

Update: those 6 cops are now going to be placed under arrest.


“Would you ever do that w/the Koran???” Reminds me of “What if your dope was on fire?”



An house of merchandise?? What fucking translation is that?

lol and SA just posted the same jpeg in the Trump thread

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At last, a decent aviator :ok_hand:

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Congrats, you’re already there, fool.


Wow, link?

confirmed by other sources


People have been trying to make a vowel out of “H” longer than they’ve been trying to make “fetch” happen

Four of the cops have been charged with aggravated assault – Mark Gardner , for tasing Pilgrim; Ivory Streeter , for tasing Young and pointing a gun at him; Lonnie Hood for using a Taser on Pilgrim and Young; and Willie Sauls for pointing a Taser.

Another officer, Armond Jones , has been charged with aggravated battery for forcefully throwing Young down on the street and pointing a gun at him. The sixth officer, Roland Claud , is charged with criminal damage to property … the couples’ car.