Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Big brother is watching.

Freedom of speech! But only from the hours of 8am-6pm in the designated Free Speech Zone

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I bet there is near 100% agreement that anyone who assaults or kills a police officer with their car, other than in self defense, should be held criminally liable for their actions, which is what I assume you think as well. I also believe that police officers who assault protestors with vehicles should be held criminally liable for attempted murder or aggravated assault, unless it was in self defense. I don’t really understand what purpose is served by comparing the two crimes to determine which is worse. Both should be punished. As a practical matter, many here are more concerned about open criminality in law enforcement, even if the crime is less severe, for reasons that should be pretty damn obvious. In addition, it’s extremely concerning for the police to criminally attack protestors for exercising their first amendment rights, because that’s fundamentally incompatible with democracy and the constitution in a way that crimes committed by civilians can never be.


These are good points, and I hope you’re right, but it’s contingent on there being fair elections going forward. I don’t think that’s very likely. The Republican Party/the White power structure have already shown that they are not going to roll over and let demographic change wash away their power. It seems clear to me that we can’t count of the rule of law as a backstop to their attempts to maintain power. I agree with others that this year is basically the ball game, if we can’t take back enough power in this election to effectively punish the misdeeds we are seeing play out right now and to plug the weaknesses in our political system with strong legal reforms, we are fucking done.

Totally justified, they were just enforcing the curfew my man. Can’t blame the cops for enforcing the policy of the mayor.

Yeah the curfews are just arbitrary tools to allow all out assault on protesters by the police.

Weird how none of the protesters against the lockdown have anything to say about a significantly more infringing curfew.

It’s almost like they are full of shit.


They aren’t full of shit. They sincerely, deeply believe that they have rights and others don’t.


Did you reply. Yes Mama, the FUCKING Koran.

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Re: polling

Majority support protests and uprisings and reject trump according to this.


How is anyone getting work done the last few days? Us pencil-pushers are expected to keep our noses to the grindstone and pretend nothing is happening? Off to a staff meeting…


I’m struggling.


No, lol. My mom and I have a good relationship, which I don’t want to ruin. I told her of course I would curse the Koran. I haven’t checked in on her reply since, because I’m not in a good place to confront this situation with her.

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Online poker sure has been seeming less important than ever… but it does provide a much needed mental escape for me. Staying focused by continuing to donate and building capital to go towards bigger plans…

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I was trying to make a better avatar but couldn’t figure it out. Then got tired and watched videos of cops beating people up instead.

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It’s a double whammy for me - I’ve been working from home for 2.5 months. Just announced that courts won’t be hearing my type of cases until September at the earliest (we are behind domestic violence, rent escrow, ongoing bail review and other criminal-ish matters, and I’m sure quite a few other things in the pecking order). My workflow has diminished to almost, but not quite, nothing.

So I could force myself to do busywork prepping for things in September. I have some cases that are ready to file that I’ve been slowly drafting. But knowing that I have weeks/months to do a small amount of work, it’s tough to motivate myself to actually do it.

Add this shit on top and it’s near impossible.

Climate change and nuclear proliferation/instability I see as two major problems. They both require significant international cooperation. The US could drastically reduce emissions and it wouldn’t be near enough. The Paris withdrawal was a huge blunder, among many, but that won’t be finalized if Trump loses. And even if the US fully complies, China and Brazil will be major issues.

If you think progress in the US isn’t likely, what’s your solution? Is it compatible with democracy (as currently constituted in the US)?

edit: Republicans aren’t playing dirty because they’re winning. They’re playing dirty because they have to, but it’s a very short term fix for the issues they face.

I’m thinking that the only thing I can equate with being a black man in America is being in jail here, its the same rules after all.

  • Call everyone Boss or Sir
  • Protect your food at all times
  • Don’t ever speak up or out
  • Have a time to be in by
  • When in the exercise yard, hang out with POC
  • Pray and Pray some more
  • Limited educational Books
  • Low pay for work
  • timeout for good behaviour

Now I’ve never ever been in jail and I could never imagine living under these circumstances, CAN YOU.




Gotta think there is a fair amount of this happening