Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I’m in no position to comment in the context of addiction, but politically speaking that seems like a good way to effectively do the wrong things.

Yeah put me on team effective every time. Real life has warts. Lots of warts. You just have to prioritize.

My priorities politically were picked with a distinctly utilitarian perspective.


I’ve had that same response each time me and boredsocial have debated the topic. But I am still pushing myself to try to understand his POV. Not necessarily to agree with it.

Those people were doing nothing wrong but the police trapped them in that house.

They could not go in because they were not breaking any laws, but they could just sit there and wait them out so they could harass and arrest them outside for what? Breaking curfew?

It is horrible.

Saw a contemporary poll linked recently where most people blamed the protesters. But those people, like Trump’s people, don’t write history. We write history.

Maybe but we have to live that shit today. And when you lose the public the cops beat the living fuck out of you. Even worse than now.

I think you can encrypt dms here.

Sometime it takes quite a long time for us to correct history, though. Look at the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction. We are still untangling and fighting the lies and propaganda spread throughout the south by the traitors, racists and their progeny.


I mean everyone is losing their shit, and we have President Moron, but I think the current state of affairs is a lot better now than it was in 1968 and 1992, and I think it will be better in 2032. Crime and police violence are actually down significantly over the last 15 years. That black lives matter is a big issue now shows how far the movement has come from like 10 years ago. A significant difference now is there are more videos and more people who care. It’s like in many domains, things that are “frontier” issue now were not “frontier” issues before because things were even worse, which is progress even if it doesn’t seem like it.


This is one of those times when our messagistas need to go quietly take their seats at the children’s table. Besides being 180 wrong in detail, you are missing the big pix too.

Direct action is not messaging. It’s not just a cheap way of getting on tv. It’s not a means of indirectly influencing something that is indirect to begin with. It’s not primarily about “getting the message out” at all.

It’s about changing facts on the ground.

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Really appreciated his twitter thread. Only query I had is why is he verified on Twitter?

Literally every sentence in this post is objectively wrong. For a guy who pretends to be a world class expert on social action you don’t even understand it’s role in a democracy.

Yes, but the South did have basically unchecked institutional power for 100 years after the Civil War. Whatever the republicans have built over the last 60 years will erode quite a bit in the next 15 years. They’ve lost 4 of the last 5 popular votes and the underlying dynamics are unfavorable for them.

Direct action… is messaging?

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Yeah the media has fucked this all up. I have a black neighbor I talk to regularly and she is very liberal but she is absolutely on team shut these violent looters down. She was telling me how ALL the protesters in Fort Worth were bussed in from Tennessee. This is a person who watches Good Morning America, local news and uses word of mouth. She has been super stringent about staying in during Corona.

I was extremely saddened to hear her say this. We had a very long discussion last week about the totality of the police shootings and Floyd’s situation. Now she thinks all protesters are outside agitators? Argh.

Hit by what? Was he hospitalized? Do we have filmed evidence of his bullet wounds?

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Your seat awaits. And… I thought you had me on ignore, fool. WTF BBQ.

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His Bio says he is the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. So the highest ranked Non commissioned officer in that branch of the military?