Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The vote will be rigged.

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Marty one of these days you’re going to realize that 75% of the population in the UK and 90% of the USA loves that shit. It’s actually semi trolly in context toward Trump.

It’s like the thing I like the most about Mayor Pete: When he correctly uses scripture to troll the right. I don’t believe a word of that crap, but my dad spent the first 13 or so years of my childhood as a minister so I know my scripture and enjoy watching some of the least Christian people on earth (who of course loudly proclaim their religiosity) have their noses rubbed in how far they’ve strayed from gods light.

Biden is pointing out just how little of a fuck the GOP actually gives about our troops.

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Someone was tweeting passages from the book Nixonland a while back and polling showed that 11% of americans blamed the national guard while sixty-some percent blamed the students. It also had several contemporary quotes from people saying that the students deserved it and that the national guard should have shot all of them. Also a guy who had kids going to kent st saying that if his kids had been at the demonstration then he would have wanted them to get killed too.


Not surprising - you can find 40% of people in favor about anything. Like Trumps ratings right now.

Things were different - no cameras on everyone, a default that was that a bunch of hippies were causing trouble. But Kent State was different - pretty much all “normal” kids (especially the iconic woman center frame after the shootings) at least for a while that this was a big deal. Sadly, not so much now. The window has moved so much I think only a formal firing squad might be the only the needle at present.


This should probably be continued in a Biden v Trump thread.

Some of my relatives I’m close to have been showing me what some other relatives I don’t talk to have been posting on IG and FB (lol at having either of those social media) and it’s honesty been disgusting. Lots of threats towards looters and cheering on Trump and his fascist takeover. The most infuriating part is that all of them are Muslim but they are white so they think the guy who wanted to ban all Muslims in the country will let them be okay after he suppresses the minorities. Obviously the main thing for them is most of them are racist as fuck but man if I see any of them soon I’m not going to be able to bite my tongue in the slightest.


The politicians job is to get those jingoistic idiots to vote for them. Telling them how wrong they are is a bad way to go about that.

Let’s take Joe Biden for instance. Near as I can tell his ideological goal his entire career has been to be as close to the center of the Democratic Party as physically possible while doing whatever he needed to do to get elected and then stay in office. That guy isn’t going to tell anyone anything they don’t want to hear that he can avoid.

Was someone in COVID days/weeks/months? ago saying if a certain part of the economy shut down, Trump is toast?

YES. My God. This is what infuriates me in all sorts of discussions with deplorables. Even when their response is technically accurate and persuasive, how is that the first and only thing you want to say about this?!

Slavery was fucking awful, and you want to argue that not all southerners were racist. How is that the most important thing for you to say?

Rape is fucking awful and should be squashed from all sources, but you want to bring our attention to instances of false accusations? Wtf?

(Not you, the general you that represents like two or three people I argue with in my head each day)

AOC would bring the fire without any deviation from her brand appeal to her voters (and her enemies), but doubtful she’d want to stump for grandpa :frowning:

If he picked Kamala, could she conceivably own the presidential campaign even though stumping as VP?

She wouldn’t actually need to be named VP. Consider it the highest stakes test run possible. The nomination is hers to lose.

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Take the median person. Look at how stupid they are. Now think about how half of the population is even stupider. The stupids are the only people worth messaging to. The smarter people all made up their mind like 2.75 years ago.

I’m sorry but right now I don’t give a shit how we win, only that we win. Pandering to the idiots love of the military is quite a ways back from the worst things I’d condone to win here.


NYC curfew at 8pm through Sunday

Hope the Australian government keeps pushing this issue. Sad that there is no one to stand up for US media (or protesters in general), so best hope for accountability is a foreign government.

These have already been posted, but reposting again to show how unnecessary the beating was.




I’ve blanket voted D my whole life. I may never vote again. Fuck all these D mayors nationwide imposing curfews. Giving cops legal cover to attack and arrest peaceful protesters, fuck D politicians everywhere.


“Fuck the police, but support the troops” is a position that relies heavily on cognitive dissonance, and perfectly encapsulates the democratic party.

The broader failing is that it literally does nothing to say “support to the troops.” The right is going to attack dems as a godless military haters anyways. All you do by trying to seek the center is keep the overton window shifted to the right.


Two things peeps, including peeps ITT, gotta stop doing… (1) Stop doing the “outside agitators” thingee, which is exactly what all this “oh, no, not class war” crap is, 100%… (2) stop with the “It’s black folks fight, we white folk gotta be silent” crap. That’s called paternalism. They are both paternalism. Cut it out.


jesus joe, “may god protect our troops” that are being deployed in american cities. wtf

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In positive WAG news:

The company my GF works for are routing masks, hand sanitizer, etc that was in their supply chain over to the protestors. (It helps that one of the CEO’s mentors was Howard Zinn)

And the 2nd thing she said to me this morning was “we are taking action today”.


There is a deep, persistent fuckery in the narratives going back to the very beginning of our country. It takes a lifetime to sort it all out.

Something as benign as the term “Louisiana Purchase” implies white supremacy. We didn’t purchase actual land; just the claims of France to the land. In other words, we purchased the recognition that no white Europeans will impede our colonization of the land. Characterizing it as a “purchase” makes the generations of genocide that would follow a foregone conclusion. The only people who even factored into the decision were white people.

Of course, the real appreciation was made be the genocide that followed. Lay claim to indigenous lands, kill or displace the inhabitants, and profit wildly off the appreciation. It built our economy.

Fuck this country. We need to part with the idea that there’s anything worth saving about it.


He said paternalistically


Yesterday I heard a 12-step speaker say recovery in part means learning how to let go of being right in order to be effective. Been thinking about that when you say things like this so I potentially see what I might be missing from your POV.