Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Yeah. It’s fucking depressing. People can get it when you take the time to explain but the default position of humanity seems to be fascism = good.

Stop mixing messages will help. If your message is the end of capitalism you have zero chance of success. This is about institutional racism and police violence.


It’s not so much slipping of the mask and more just pure ignorance. It’s who I was 10 years ago.


The family will have a civil case and they would like a real autopsy to use there.

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The fb blackout thing the bands are doing may seem minor but I’m seeing a ton of support and a lot of clap back to people who argue otherwise on their pages. It’s refreshing to see.


We don’t need to clog this thread with this old debate we have had many times but of course this isn’t true. Just look over your borders to see it’s not true.

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Interesting comments from some BLM organizers to stop using the hashtag for simple shows of support as it clogs the communication lines and makes it harder for people to transfer information about active events.

Hadn’t really thought of it that way.

I didn’t claim there was no racism or police violence here or anywhere. Of course there is. I claimed the solution is not linked to the end of capitalism. If your bar for success is zero racism you aren’t ever going to succeed. The goal is to make things better, not perfect.

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Sadly it’s looking like it’s going to take a Kent State like tragedy to pierce the noise. Odds of mass shooting/killing event by cops or military are getting pretty damn high.

Biden (lol) need to stand on the Lincoln Memorial steps and call for a March on Washington. Fill the whole mall. Basically some 60s shit. Just occupy the space for days.



Not so fun fact: The first inhabitants of Dachau Concentration Camp (and the whole reason it was built) were political opponents.

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Capitalism requires an underclass in order to function. The only way to maintain an underclass is though violent enforcement. They are intrinsically linked. Nevertheless these protests have been remarkably on message and they are still being smeared as vile looters. It is utterly ridiculous to think that the public mood on this has anything to do with capitalism vs alternatives. It could be (and in some cases is) the local small business bureau out there protesting and they’d still be smeared and people would still believe the smears.


It applies to the cops as well. The media will push back harder (at least in individual cases) against politicians than it ever will against law enforcement. The default position is always cops = good, even with your liberal media outlets like MSDNC as we saw last night, so of course anything or anyone standing and speaking in opposition to that must by default = bad, right? Until cops are no longer given every single benefit of the doubt by default there will never ever be systemic change.

Iceland has cops.

I’m thinking of the Bonus Army rather than Kent State.

Christ man that would be a disaster. It wouldn’t even make a difference. But I’m going to pretend that’s not true because I have to.

The Bonus Army is just so depressing. Former troops! And still nobody cares. They must not have respected the troops like we do.

Note how many of the protest videos include people driving around trying to do mundane shit like get gas and whatever, completely oblivious to what’s going on. This is important.

I just got into it wit my mom this morning after making a post on IG where I quoted the Bible condemning Trump, but I put “- the fucking Bible” and she felt the need to take issue with the fact that I cursed, rather than all the horrible shit that’s going on.


At the end of our exchange she says, “would you curse the Koran.” I’m beyond words. She was a very intelligent person, studied computer science at Virginia Tech in the 70’s before meeting my dad and becoming a homemaker/accountant for his farm. Now all she does is parrot stupid shit she hears on Fox and from the awful “Christians” that go to her church. It’s so fucking upsetting to me.


So I wouldn’t sharpie the number on your arm. People arrested in Chicago who have the bail fund number written on their arm have been getting higher nails on purpose. Maybe your city isn’t doing this but it’s happened here to people