Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Charged?! They should be in fucking jail by now! At least angry crowds of citizens have formed to protest and throw rocks, which I’m guessing will expedite the process of charges being brought. Good thing no one’s anti rock. But I guarantee a good chunk of white America are gonna be blaming those low life black people for destroying their own community

thats not the sense i got ITT but i hope you’re right.

“Bitch I’m Madonna.”


This is why the left loses so fucking always. I agree it’s possible to think about two problems at once, but we take our eye off of what’s important. There’s a time and place to deal with a racist population, but we first have to dismantle our racist INSTITUTIONS

and to think we were so close to doing so, foiled at the last second by a 50 post derail


meh. this is why the left loses are the worst arguments ever.

i mean i will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are emotional, but even thinking that is a pretty strong indication of being a moron.

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This makes no sense. Institutions are just collections of people.

and i don’t wanna derail on your freedom, but a good way to slightly reduce the number of cops abusing black people is to stop calling the cops on black people for every fucking thing. you can do that while you dismantle the institutions. it will actually free up a lot of time.

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Why do you think this is true?

That tweet with all those cops defending the killer is maybe the single most insane thing I’ve ever seen. It’s literal nazi stuff. Not hyperbole. Literal nazi stuff. Everyone of those cops is an embarrassment to humanity.

This should calm everyone down


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I have no idea how to answer this. Because it is, by definition.




oh jfc



The better question is: Why do you think it’s significant that institutions are ‘just collections of people’? Does that mean that institutions have no impact on the world? A bomb is just a collection of atoms — is there no reason to treat a bomb differently than you treat atoms generally?

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