Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Honestly I was legit surprised itt earlier seeing your post, it tilted me and put me on spin, thanks for the reconsideration and change off heart, it takes a lot to do that.




This doesn’t seem to be bananapants FAKE NOOZ stuff, so what is it? Wrong and bad, therefore not a true scotsman? Probably some desk-jockey on what amounts to a ride-along in over his head? Kinda baffled by this bit.

They could even charge him with something lesser and ask for bail to be revoked given the circumstances.

He’s a massive conspiracy theorist that thinks the virus is a hoax, constantly references the new world order in posts, etc. i think he’s a lizard people person tbh.

I should post a pic of this guy. Quite possibly the douchiest, hipsterest chad you’ve ever seen in your life.

Ahhh OK never mind so, lol.

The fired officers worked for the Minneapolis Park Police Department, not the Minneapolis Police Department. It’s still BS however. The Park Police are 100% real police with jurisdiction in the entire city.

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Haha I started reading the post and was like ok this guy is a douche so he’s going to say it was fine etc, first part I’m like oh ok maybe he’s on the right side actually then butnahhhh takes a bad turn

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That seems even more like it, no true boot, real boot still v. lickable etc.

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We can all relax - Madge has got this.




TIL Madonna has 6 children.

Because it starts with the fucking cops! There is less than a ZERO percent chance this happens if they were arresting a white guy who’s alleged crime was forging a check. ZERO!!!

Yeah, racists exist all over the place, but if you can’t expect more out of trained law enforcement officers then what in the ever loving fuck are you gonna do to stop some privileged middle age white bitch from calling the cops on a black person for nothing?!

What the fuck could actually be going through her mind when she decides to post this?

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Im not disagreeing with you.

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you can hold two thoughts at the same time.

It’s absolutely insane these cops are not charged. It’s pure cross burning shit.

You said you didn’t get why part of the outrage isn’t directed at racist citizens who call cops on black people for no reason. Ever wonder where low information privileged white people get the idea that all blacks are criminals? Could it be our incredibly racist judicial system and government has anything to do with it? What good does directing outrage anywhere but exactly where it belongs in this case do?

Hannity did at least half his show on this last night and he was basically saying it was incomprehensible the cop hadn’t been charged with murder.

this is a forum full of (presumably) well-informed people and most of them don’t see any issue with calling the cops on a black dude over (maybe) fake 20 dollar bill.

I bet it’s under 50%, probably well under.