Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

It’s like, what if the bird-watcher guy had approached the dog-abusing woman and tried to interest her in a pyramid scheme? Would what she did have then been justified? Some ITT say: Yes, apparently.


Like I temporarily quit the forum over my opposition of violent rhetoric when I felt it was not morally justified. When I’m cheering on rock throwing and building burning, it’s for a damn good reason.


Yeah unfortunately any type of “bad behavior” from black people will just reinforce their preconceived notions as they cannot imagine being so angry with an unjust system that their only outlet is destruction. Oh, I guess unless they’re politely asked to wear masks in public to avoid killing other people, then they might have to grab their guns.

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it blows my mind. all these slippery slope bullshit arguments.

I think the white people’s riot might be on the night of November 3rd.


Naw, nobody’s looking to you to make that kinda call. I believe you are fucking upset with this shiz, and rightly so IMO.

FWIW I personally hope everyone is as safe as they can be in MN, especially if they go out to express their feelings.


Depends… are we talking Amway?

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I don’t want anyone hurt, but I do want to see that precinct building burn to the ground, and I want it to be done by protesters who are black, white, brown, green, pink, you name it. I want those people to say enough is efuckingnough. It’s time to burn it down and start over figuratively, and since we can’t get that to happen peacefully, here’s some assistance doing it literally.


This. Cases where somebody is passing small amounts of counterfeit bills (as opposed to being caught manufacturing them) are unprosecutable for exactly this reason. You can never prove intent. It’s just as likely that he didn’t know it was counterfeit. Sometimes stores flag shit as counterfeit and it’s not even counterfeit. I tried to deposit money at a bank once years ago and the bank confiscated one of the bills as “counterfeit,” and said they would send it to be checked and get back to me, but if it was counterfeit then I was, of course, out the $20. Turns out it wasn’t counterfeit. It had just shrunk in the wash a little.

A chaotic riot just reinforces those ideas about black people. Organized violence, targeted violence, violence with a clear purpose sends a message that specific white people might be next.

That’s a lot of overtime.

Gandhi overthrew a centuries old imperial subjugation with principles of non-violence and civil disobedience.

But this is USA#1.

So did MLK, look how far that’s gotten us…

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The video is brutally bad. In a way that many of the previous incidents weren’t, either because they weren’t entirely captured on video start to finish like this, or because they happened much wuqicker, or some reason or another that allows rationalization. There is no wiggle room on this one. The police officer nonchalantly sat on the guys neck for seven minutes while he slowly died. He indicated he couldn’t breathe. He was told by bystanders he was killing him. There have certainly been other bad incidents, but this is pretty much the nut low of what we’ve seen in the past decade.

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As if on queue, this was JUST posted by one of the most deplorable chad fucksticks I have ever met:

Regarding the “Police” killing unarmed black man” situation that everyone seems to be such an armchair expert about—

I watched maybe 2 seconds of the video. I saw the photo of a cop with his knee on the back of an already detained man’s neck, from which he succumbed to. Nothing about that is correct. I don’t know an exuberant amount of LEO’s, nor am I an expert, but I’m pretty positive you don’t neutralize an alleged “threat” by detaining them and continuously keeping pressure on said detained persons neck. That is wrong. The “police” officer in the photo I saw was looking dead in the cameras lens, stone faced, knowing exactly what he was doing as two other officers looked on.

Without going into my own theories about the legitimacy of the interaction (I doubt it was even a real cop), the optics of it sure don’t look good. You have to understand that as an American, we are ALL protected under the Constitution from this behavior. When those of you who may criticize some of us for the way we hold the Constitution and our rights as citizens dear, realize that this is why. YOU, as a citizen need to police the police. This is why it is crucial that you know and understand what your rights are, because some will certainly abuse them if you allow them to.

This isn’t a race thing, or at least it damn sure shouldn’t be. This is an “Americans should know their rights and hold cops accountable” thing. You have to understand there are people in this world that want us to fight. They want us to fight about everything. They got us to fight about masks, a disease(or not), basic science, and everything else under the sun when instead we should’ve came together as a human race instead of sticking with our preferred political party. This is a time to come to grips with each other’s beliefs and philosophies and practice some damn solidarity. We’re all on this spinning bitch we call Earth, together.

Pro tip: Drop the politically guided #blacklivesmatter hashtag and just put #solidarity or #humansmatter and you’ll get far more reposts I promise.

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The cop kneeling on his neck is definitely 100 percent getting charged with murder. Agree that it’s being handled terribly though.

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Then they should fucking do it already. If I did that I’d be immediately behind bars.

You just know the union has him lawyered up to the gills though - I do think that sometimes in cases like this it’s better to sit back and get your ducks in a row before you just go charging in and arrest someone. But they could at least announce they plan to seek criminal charges, rather than this bullshit.

There’s a difference between imperial subjugation imposed from afar and oppressors at home. Gandhi thought the Jews should have marched willingly to the gas chambers during the Holocaust.