Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Just cops.

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I assume the murderer feels pretty good about it.

Redacted for privacy.

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LOL. That was so far from what I expected. They needed to book that dude yesterday. Incredible.

Well that was pretty worthless. Just gonna piss people off even more.

If the cops come it’s not up to you when the story ends.


those are unrelated issues and doing some fake math between them is a way to kill the issue of calling the cops on every suspected misdemeanor of a black man.
It’s 100% the cops fault for murdering a helpless person. There is no one suggesting otherwise. The blame can go over 100.

I’m legit shook at how many people here think that this is a non-issue.

Minneapolis may be rubble by tomorrow morning.


Ok you can imagine the cops come the next day and don’t kill the guy who got Doritos, but it’s not up to you and you are not without responsibility for the foreseeable results of your actions.

Maybe it’s 1/10000 someone gets killed and 1/10 something bad happens, but you have responsibility and have to weigh those chances against the value of calling the cops.

Yup. And if I leave for work 3 minutes later than usual tomorrow I might get into a car accident I wouldn’t have otherwise been in.


the dude was outside the fuckign door.


That’s not smart.

On another topic - the right wing hivemind seems awfully quiet about this. Not what I expected. Expected a lot of “he was no angel” takes and demonizing the victim. Maybe I’m just not seeing the reaction in the circles I hang in, probably better for my blood pressure.

I want to think that the video is so brutal and obvious that it shut them up, but I know better

Yeah, really easy to burn someone else’s hometown isn’t it?

From what I saw on twitter there is a queer owned bookstore about a block away from the police station that had a medical tent set up in their lot and wasn’t touched. Also a couple of minority owned businesses had signs put up by protestors in front saying they were minority owned and they weren’t touched. There seems to be one locally owned wig store that had a window smashed in (hopefully they get support from this)

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I saw a few takes from deplorables who even were shocked at how blatantly bad this was. But also getting a lot of “just an excuse to take a free tv” type smack now.


I’d support it here too. Nothing else is working to get change. They aren’t charging this guy. They’re full of shit. When I’m the one calling for destruction of property, you know it’s fucking time.

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Not that I am calling for any guillotines, but there would be less collateral damage.