Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Cnn banner is great -

“Peaceful protesters near white house tear-gassed, shot with rubber bullets so trump can have church photo op”


What the fuck there’s an election tomorrow in DC?

Hopefully tonight is the night the MSM focuses more on the police brutality and less on the random acts of vandalism.

Paging narrator.

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You’re off to a good start.

Vox has been doing great work framing their coverage. Language matters. I just gave them money.


Yep. Primary and a few other random things. Curfew starts at 7, but polls are supposed to stay open until 8, so maybe they’ll be handing out gas masks and vests along with the I voted stickers for anyone who shows up in that last hour


This is OK…Or was its now a car chase… It did have 4 diff streams :cry:

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Jun 2 mini super tuesday democratic primaries + whatever else I don’t know about. DC, PA, MD, IN, MT, NM, RI, and SD. Atlanta is next week.

Hope everyone just did it through the mail.

Father of the Year would breach the police lines with Lyanna on his shoulders.

It’s not, but maybe if they let peaceful protesters be, they wouldn’t need a gazillion cops at the protests and could attempt to go do their fucking jobs in a normal, peaceful way… not that they’re fucking capable of that anyway.


Atlanta folks doing work trying to get these cops to strip their riot gear and join the protests.

Hope they’re successful.


abc LA feed chopper just following a looter in his car across town. jfc

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With so many people out of work, a pandemic and massive protests countrywide, Biden winning in 2020 should be a lock.

Cue narrator in 3, 2, 1…

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Should be better coverage…



This is also a ground level stream…

While biden is clearly winning based on current polls, we still don’t know the fallout from this yet since it’s still ongoing. GOP might well have won the issue easily but Trump is completely worthless.

Unless this streamer happens to be in a less crowded spot, it seems like there are many fewer out than at this time last night.

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