Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Governor of IL on CNN saying “the president will not be deploying the military to Illinois”… like, what will you do if he does? The legality of this doesn’t matter - the president just announced that he will forcefully invade blue states to attack protestors.


Lawbros all over the internet are saying he “can’t” deploy the military. They never, ever learn.


The lawbros assure me that the insurrection act requires state governor to ask for assistance before troops can be sent. I am assured of this.

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well, I think he could order the Illinois reserve militia to defend vs the invaders

This is about the time I’m looking up who has a state guard and figuring there aren’t enough people in them.

The CNN dudes were talking about the DC Natl Guard, but not regular military. Also mentioned that NG from other states are on the way.

For those who weren’t watching, there were riot shields with “Military Police” in Lafayette Park.

The governor assured us of this as well

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He’s saying how police officers should shoot their guns. So yeah it’s bad in that context.

Edit: Sorry, that was a replay from last night.

That was bar none the worst speech I have ever heard a president deliver.

Fucking Joe Biden better not drop this ball come November.

BB’s is the 45th president of the United States now

Yeah… I was like I just checked that stream out and it ai t started yet

Fucking hell man, I thought things might calm down on a weekday. Clearly not. These cops are out of fucking control.

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I’m right there with you. It is horrifying.

Random, but the feeling I’m getting is similar to watching GoT when Theon reveals the hanging bodies of the burned children in the courtyard. Like, there is just no coming back from this spectacle today. Obvious WAAF for awhile now but this is just clear, unsettling, live TV evidence that we have truly lost our way.

Periodic reminder that because DC is not a state, and because so much of the city contains Federal buildings or national parks, the Feds have a lot more authority here to bring in troops and engage in other shenanigans.

who’s ready to VOTE tomorrow in DC!!!

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Will it show up on his channel if he starts live again tonight?

So did I… :cry:

So if your a good cop and the Sargent starts roll call with “This is it boys, we are either all in with our president or all out and there’s the door if you choose out” how many are leaving?

Less that 1% would be my answer.

I thi k the main reason was that I seen a number of protesters with 6/1/20 Washington on there boards over the weekend, especially NYC.


watching this 9 way stream alot, black guy and black female cop talking on the georgia one, shes tellin him things are changing, hes not agreeing.

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