Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

We have one law.

One beautiful law

One very beautiful law. It is the biggest, best law. No other law even comes close.

Hahahaha he cant talk over the crowd

george floyd died one week ago, things get way out of hand quick.

Don Lemon going HAM on Trump.


Countdown to Don Lemon in handcuffs

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If there’s a civil war, that speech will be considered the beginning of it


throwing tear gas into trapped protestors some real bullshit


Trump walking to a church across Lafayette park. That’s why they tear gassed everyone to make them leave. Things could get wild.

It must have been absolutely killing him inside when people called him a coward for hiding the other night.




Local cops live for the opportunity to crack skulls, but I’m not so sure the military has any appetite for this bullshit.

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They’re trained to do two things - kill and do what they’re told.

You can draw a pretty easy conclusion about what will happen from this.


Yeah, this is what my sister saw unfold outside her window that I posted about a bit ago. Wild stuff.

wtf is trump talking about?

The one of them bashing the news crew should set everyone off. Even one cop seems to slightly get it and steps in the way to stop a second hit with the shield. But then as they start to move as directed, another cop makes sure to hit them once more with his nightstick for good measure.

Trump: Law and Order President!

Trump jaywalking across the street on the way to the church minutes later

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Are these National Guard MP’s on the streets in DC or did we just straight up ignore the Posse Comitatus Act and nobody cares?

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swear I just read somewhere earlier today that doesn’t qualify for posse

The image of the president of the united states after that absurd speech, standing in front of a boarded up church awkwardly holding a bible and posing for photo ops, has to be the most chilling thing I’ve seen in this presidency so far.

There’s no one at the fucking wheel. WAAF