Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Well maybe you should call your elected representatives and tell them to get the cops to stop antagonizing peaceful protesters, I bet you’ll see that looting and rioting goes way down.

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holy fuck. Super soldiers trying their best to escalate things in D.C.

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The reason for this is the cops and MPs just rushed a group of WH protesters. Flash bangs and gas being used. CNN was saying this group is peaceful.

Isn’t a declaration of martial law inevitable at this point? Trump’s probably been eagerly waiting his entire presidency to be able to do it.

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~ 20 minutes to curfew in DC

Hate to be that guy again but DC feed link?


CNN correspondents and the other talking heads are taking a much more pro-protester position compared to last night.


how in the world is robbing your own neighborhoods striking back at cops?

This is absolutely insane. CNN has good video but their reporters are using very couched language about what is happening.

Huh? CNN talking heads are sounding pretty sympathetic to the protesters.

Here’s a Reuters feed for DC.


I hope they don’t cut away from the protestors when trump speaks. I don’t like the idea of a 20 minute window where major news isn’t watching.

Horses advancing, rubber bullets fired

I think all in all cnn’s coverage of what’s been going on has been pretty decent, right? I’ve tried the other channels but cnn’s coverage seems to do better for me, idk


This afternoon–Yes
Last night–Not so much

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CNN past 10 minutes with Trump talking now is absolutely fucking insane.

I didnt watch last night but have had it on pretty much nonstop since monday. Dont care for some of the analysts they bring on

Fuck cable news. There are dozens and dozens of live streams available.


lol nah, I got to see a cnn reporter arrested on live tv the other night, for basically no reason, that was pretty hilarious, in a really sad way.


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